Alteryx Use Case Navigator

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R&D Calculations

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Use Case
R&D Calculations
Accurately calculate research and development costs to capture tax credits
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Use Case
Royalty Calculation Automation
Calculate royalties more quickly and accurately
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Use Case
Renewal Discounting Impact Analysis
Discover the impact that changes to product discounts will have on subscription renewals
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Use Case
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Testing Compliance Automation
Utilize aggregation and automation to perform evaluation across the total population of your organization’s data.
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Use Case
Continuous Monitoring and Audit
Drive transformation towards continuous monitoring and auditing with automated data connections and analytics.
  • Analytics Automation
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Use Case
Demand Forecasting
Connect historical data from multiple data sources to power robust forecasting models that predict customer demand.
  • Cloud Products
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Use Case
Logistics and Shipping Analytics
Automate connection of inventory, receipt, and freight data to drive analytics that optimize logistics.
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Use Case
Month-End Close Automation
Reduce time in spreadsheets, automate routine calculations, and connect systems to simplify Month-End Close.
  • Cloud Products
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Use Case
Procurement Analytics
Develop an analytics-driven procurement process by combining internal supplier data with external signals.
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