Revenue Intelligence

Sales productivity. Forecast accuracy. Revenue growth.


Alteryx Analytics Cloud for Revenue Intelligence

Improve Sales Productivity

  • Identify and remove pipeline bottlenecks

  • Prioritize sales activities by impact on deal velocity and size

Increase Forecast Accuracy

  • Leverage deal-related intelligence from multiple systems

  • Turn forecasting into a consistent, transparent, automated process

Drive Revenue Growth

  • Manage pipeline with a 360-degree view of the customer, sales, and marketing activities

  • Maximize ROI with insights on marketing and sales programs’ influence on closed-won revenue


Sales Productivity

Enable your sales team with deeper pipeline analytics that isolate deal-level opportunities and risks.


Forecast Accuracy

Get exact account and opportunity scoring from a greater diversity of signals and machine learning-driven predictions.


Revenue Growth

Consolidate visibility across sales, marketing, success, and finance so you can set ambitious, achievable targets and align activities for maximum revenue generation.


Related Products + Add Ons

Designer Cloud

Profile and prepare data in the cloud

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Auto Insights

Data storytelling and collaboration

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Machine Learning

Automated insights and feature engineering

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Recommended Resources

5 Use Cases to Help Audit Professionals Take Back Their Time
Explore five common audit processes ripe for automation so you can spend more time solving problems and less worrying about them.
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  • Finance
  • Efficiency Gains|Workforce Upskilling
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White Paper
Delivering Analytics that Scale: 5 Reasons to Upgrade to Alteryx Server
Five reasons you’ll never go back to the old way of doing things. Yes, we’re that confident.
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  • Process Automation
  • Analytics Leader
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The Missing Link in Supply Chains: Analytics Automation
Is your supply chain missing a crucial piece? In this e-book, learn how analytics automation can help forecast demand, manage risk, and optimize operations.
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  • Business Leader
  • Supply Chain Leader
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