Assess Your Analytics Maturity
Assess your organization in minutes. Increase revenue and operating income for years.
Assess your organization in minutes. Increase revenue and operating income for years.
The decisions you make now have a compound effect on your organization’s long-term health and performance. Third-party research indicates that analytically mature organizations outperform others in their industry across nearly every metric, including 3-year revenue and 5-year operating income.
This can be bad news for organizations that score lower than their competitors on the maturity scale. Over a 10-year period, Stage 2 organizations trail Stage 4 organizations by nearly 4.8x in operating income and 6x in revenue.
Not data-driven
Using reports
Sees value of analytics
Good at analytics
Like a checkup for your health, an analytics maturity assessment can help you detect early warning signs and address them before they threaten the survival of your organization.
Get a roadmap for analytical maturity and make the changes you need to deliver long-term success.
See the highest value actions your organization can take to deliver value and outperform your peers.
Get a roadmap with areas of opportunity plus the tactics you can pursue today to improve maturity and performance.
Improve transparency and gain alignment on crucial business issues.
The Alteryx Analytics Maturity Assessment was built in partnership with the International Institute for Analytics (IIA), an independent research and advisory that found a strong correlation between maturity and performance across 57 of 68 performance metrics.
Your data’s readiness to drive value through analysis, considering factors like quality, standardization, and accessibility to those who need it
Your business’s approach to analytics, considering factors like analytics efforts’ alignment to business objectives and organizational culture around data
The business unit(s) focused on analytics, considering factors like organizational design and leadership
The tools and techniques that support your business in analytics, considering factors like specific technologies, infrastructure, and user behavior
The assessment is fast, simple, and helps you evaluate the overall maturity of your organization. When you finish, you get:
This assessment is designed for leaders embarking on digital transformation efforts, but anyone involved in their business’s data strategy and practices can complete it.