Alteryx Use Case Navigator

Find out how our products can get you from data to discoveries - in minutes.

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Use Case
Supply Chain Cost Optimization
Email is the wide end of the sales funnel. Alteryx Machine Learning helps Marketing predict email open rates, so it can concentrate on the most productive leads, channels, and offers.
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Use Case
Route Optimization
Combine internal data, and advanced geospatial analysis to reduce travel time and fleet total cost of ownership.
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Use Case
Site Selection Optimization
Combine external geographic and demographic data with internal sales results to reduce risk in site selection.
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Use Case
Internet of Things Analytics Dashboards
Calculate full Cost of Ownership and Return on Investment of IoT fleets through automated analytics.
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Use Case
Product Quality and Safety Assurance
Utilize usage and consumption data to detect product quality issues before they impact customers.
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Use Case
Demand Forecasting
Connect historical data from multiple data sources to power robust forecasting models that predict customer demand.
  • Cloud Products
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Use Case
Logistics and Shipping Analytics
Automate connection of inventory, receipt, and freight data to drive analytics that optimize logistics.
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Use Case
Procurement Analytics
Develop an analytics-driven procurement process by combining internal supplier data with external signals.
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Use Case
Predictive Maintenance
Utilize advanced analytics to avoid expensive downtime and keep your supply chain moving.
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