Alteryx Use Case Navigator

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Use Case
Understanding Strokes Gained in Golf
PGA golfer Martin Trainer uses Alteryx to generate training recommendations. By using innovative statistical metrics like strokes gained and advanced predictive tools, Alteryx can provide golfers with invaluable insights and personalized recommendations.
  • Analytics Automation
  • Fanalytics
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Use Case
Alteryx + Roquette
Find out how Roquette, the world leader in plant-based ingredients, uses Alteryx across multiple departments to save time and improve efficiency.
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Use Case
Sales Pipeline Consolidation and Reporting
Automatically pull data from multiple CRM platforms like Salesforce to power dashboards and reports for evaluating sales rep engagement and pipeline creation.
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Use Case
Analytics Project Impact Analysis
Maximize the impact of your data science reporting and dashboards through a release process driven by A/B testing.
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Use Case
Analytics Automation
Enable anyone in your organization to share data, automate processes, and turn data into results.
  • Analytics Automation
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Use Case
Predicting Email Open Rate
Email is the wide end of the sales funnel. Alteryx Machine Learning helps Marketing predict email open rates, so it can concentrate on the most productive leads, channels, and offers.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning
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Use Case
Bill Reporting
Give finance teams fast and actionable insights and minimize mundane bill reporting
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Use Case
Sales Operations and Reporting
Give sales teams fast and actionable insights and close every sales gap
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Use Case
Service and Support Operations Automated Insights
Give customer service teams fast and actionable insights and close every experience gap
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