Meet Four Non-profits Utilizing Alteryx’s Tech for Good to Support a More Sustainable Future

Conheça quatro organizações sem fins lucrativos que usam o Tech for Good, da Alteryx, para apoiar um futuro mais sustentável.

People   |   Paula Hansen   |   Apr 18, 2022 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

This April for Earth Month, we salute the non-profits who walk gently on the Earth, dedicating their time, energy, and resources to creating a brighter future for our planet.

They tackle some of the toughest challenges on Earth – pollution, climate change, deforestation, and species extinction – in the name of a better tomorrow for our health, families, and livelihood.

We believe that data science and analytics have the power to change the world for the better, which is why we launched our Tech for Good program, offering free licenses to qualifying non-profits who align with our mission. Analytics automation isn’t just for businesses and corporations!

Read on to learn how four Alteryx customers used Alteryx’s Tech for Good to achieve positive societal impact by prepping and blending large amounts of data for faster results, deeper insights, and better decisions.


Green America logo
Green America: A healthy planet, a world without injustice, a future filled with possibilities — nothing short of a very tall order, but at Green America, they want it all. And they are delivering.

Green America is a nonprofit that helps people take personal and collective action to promote positive social and environmental progress.

Green America relies on a network of more than 250,000 Americans who donate to tackle climate change, build fair trading systems, stop corporate abuse, and support local communities to achieve its ambitious goals.

By partnering with Alteryx, Green America has cut hours of monthly tasks from their Donor Services, Operations, and Database Manager, allowing them to dissect donor information better and focus on more pressing issues.



HRNS logo
HRNS: In many coffee-growing regions worldwide, small-scale farmers are cut off from insights that could help improve their production and earn a higher profit. As a result, many young people see little to no future in coffee production.

HRNS uses Alteryx to harvest a richer bounty of data-driven intelligence that can be shared with growers. Faster, more in-depth data processing and analysis powered by Alteryx helps guide the nonprofit and its smallholder farmers in continuously refining their methods.



OzHarvest logo

OzHarvest: Australia’s leading food rescue organization collects and redistributes nearly 200 tons of excess food each week to aid people in need. Along the way, its workers gather something equally valuable: Data from donors and meal recipients that can help the nonprofit make an even more significant impact on hunger. Timely, accurate reporting on the organization’s activities and results is one of the keys to unlocking greater support from food outlets, government programs, and individual contributors.

For years, though, OzHarvest staff members often struggled to glean usable insights from the massive data pool trapped in paper forms, unintegrated spreadsheets, and other locations.

With Alteryx, OzHarvest built a new data management environment that generates up-to-date reports in minutes rather than hours. The centralized environment also reduces the potential for manual errors and incomplete data aggregation that occurs when multiple people work in separate spreadsheets.



Lifewater logo
Lifewater International: Most of us rarely think about where we will find water to drink, wash our hands, or clean our clothes. But in low- and middle-income countries, more than 770 million people lack reliable access to sanitary drinking water, and roughly 1 in 4 lack access to a toilet. Lifewater works to end these crises by constructing wells or other sustainable water sources, teaching community members about sanitation and hygiene practices, and equipping communities to maintain a usable water supply.

Since 2016, the Christian non-profit’s Vision of a Healthy Village model has helped transform the lives of more than 340,000 people in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda. Alteryx software helps the nonprofit bring sustainable water sources to rural villages by empowering teams to combine, analyze, and act upon project-related data faster.


Learn More

See how Alteryx’s Tech for Good can help your organization support and promote a more sustainable future.

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