Rompendo vieses

Redefinindo o sucesso em um setor predominantemente masculino.

What's New   |   Alteryx   |   May 10, 2022 TIME TO READ: 2 MINS

Prioritizing equity and belonging in the workplace differentiates innovative businesses from businesses satisfied with the status quo.

In the following video clips, Alteryx Co-founder and Chief Advocacy Officer Libby Duane Adams, Extreme E Race Engineer Leena Gade, and McLaren Racing Aerodynamist Emel Cankaya share challenges they have faced throughout their careers and discuss the importance of redefining who can be successful in male-dominated industries.


Obstacles are inevitable in any field. How you react and work around those obstacles is up to you. Libby, Leena, and Emel share how to come together as a team to troubleshoot when challenges arise. Every career path is unique and for most people, far from linear. It is crucial to remain open-minded and dynamic when navigating the road less traveled.



What advice would you share with your younger self? The team reflects on the value of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, being a lifelong learner, and staying true to your goals. Every career path is unique and for most people, far from linear. It is crucial to remain open-minded and dynamic when navigating the road less traveled.



Breaking the bias takes conscious and consistent effort. How will you continue to #BreakTheBias and lift others up in your community?
