How to Craft a Homerun Alteryx Pitch

Strategy   |   Taylor Porter   |   Jan 19, 2021 TIME TO READ: 6 MINS

7 Steps to Helping Your Stakeholders hit a Homerun With Alteryx

Here Comes the Pitch

Now that you’ve been using Alteryx for a while, you’ve experienced just how powerful a technology it can be. You’re not only finding new insights, you’re automating your prep & blend, utilizing low-code, no-code advanced analytics, and delivering concrete value to your entire organization.

But just like that feeling you get when someone hasn’t seen your favorite movie, you want to share Alteryx with your organization so that they, too, can experience these business-changing benefits. The only problem is, you’re not quite sure where to start. Don’t worry, Alteryx champion. We’ll show you the seven steps to throwing a homerun pitch.

1. Your Destination: Home Plate. Your Path: Alteryx.

First things first, you want to start with a picture of where you’re going. Companies that embrace an end-to-end culture of analytics are agile, flexible, and able to seize business-defining opportunities before the competition spots them. That doesn’t mean they’re keeping up with every trend — they’re simply cleaning up the data in their own dugout and acting on those insights.

If you’re like most companies, you may still have:

  • Data trapped in data silos
  • Time-intensive manual processes
  • Limited time to spend finding the insights that matter
  • Opportunities missed before they’re recognized

As an Alteryx champion, you have a bigger vision. You know what it would mean for your company if your entire organization used a single, powerful APA platform like Alteryx. Start with that end goal in mind and let it drive you toward home plate.

2. Do Your Research

Research is crucial before any big game. If you want to throw a winning pitch, you’ll have to find out which business goals are foremost on your leadership’s mind. This might include:

  • Increasing revenue
  • Decreasing cost
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Decreasing risk
  • Increasing efficiency

And on a more granular level, you’ll have to tailor your strategy to different stakeholders. For example:

  • Sales cares about: bookings, average size per sale, quote-to-close ratio, average conversion time, number of open opportunities, sales per rep
  • IT cares about: number of tickets that violate SLAs, improved data quality, greater security
  • Marketing cares about: number of qualified leads, net promoter scores, contribution to pipeline

So after you’ve hit the books, ask yourself this question: How can a better analytics process help each of my stakeholders meet their KPIs? This is the case you’ll have to make for a homerun pitch.

3. Start With the Stadium, Not the Diamond

Bring your stakeholders’ attention to what’s happening in the world at large before you get down into the nitty gritty. Business leaders need motivation to make a change, and this is where you’ll plant that seed to get them sprinting towards home plate.

Some key trends in analytics you can point out:

  • According to KPMG, business leaders have faster time to market, superior customer and employee experience, and higher operational efficiency
  • Business leaders are prioritizing giving value creators the right analytics technology because they clearly understand the power of data in relation to speed and agility
  • There is a chasm growing between analytic leaders and laggards, and companies with the greatest growth in revenue are receiving most of it from data & analytics

After you’ve shown that a shift is indeed happening, it’s time to step into the diamond. Cue the spotlights. The game’s about to start.

4. Show Them the Obstacles

Before your stakeholders step up to bat, you’ll have to show them why the big picture is important and what’s stopping them from winning.

Start with the facts: According to IDC, 44% of data workers’ time is wasted every week due to having the wrong technology. Beyond that, there are some serious skill gaps in data analytics, specifically around statistical skills and data preparation skills. Difficult technology only complicates things. The graphic below gives you a clearer picture of this.

With all these facts laid out, your stakeholders should be eager to play ball.

5. Hand Them the Bat

It’s time to give your stakeholders everything they need to hit the ball out of the park; namely, show them the power of Alteryx Analytic Process Automation.

Specifically, Alteryx APA can:

  • Amplify your workforce. Because Alteryx is so easy to use, people are empowered to start exploring data. Building a culture of analytics creates a snowball effect that engages the minds of the entire organization so that data is fueling decisions.
  • Optimize processes. You’re probably working with a lot of points solutions right now — RPA, BPA, and so on. Alteryx APA works with all your data integrations and outputs for seamless process automation, consolidating your technologies and streamlining your must-haves.
  • Advance your transformation. With a single, powerful platform like Alteryx, you can democratize data and analytics by providing secure access to data. Whether you’re running analytic workflows or simply reviewing the output from an app, you won’t need skilled specialists or gatekeepers to make data effective.




6. Use Hard-Hitting, Real-World Examples

Next, show them that the crowd is on their side. Amplify your pitch with examples of real Alteryx users who have experienced the full benefits of digital transformation. Our new customer center has a comprehensive source of stories that bolster your case no matter which industry you’re in or what problem you’re looking to solve.

Some of our favorite customer stories are:

  • Gymshark: Increased their process efficiency by 37X
  • 7-Eleven: Reduced time-to-report from 100 vendor hours to one in-house hour
  • SBI: Automated 75% of their internal analytic processes

7. Make It Personal

After showing them how industry leaders are benefitting, show them the clear advantages of a home game — talk about the results you’ve seen in your own work and how Alteryx has made a huge difference.

The Aftergame Huddle

And just like that, the ball is soaring over the stadium. The bleachers are filled with triumphant cheers and whistles, and best of all, your stakeholders are jumping for joy. The jumbo-tron is focused on you, showing an instant replay of your incredible pitch. Well done, Alteryx champion. This is just the first win of many more to come.

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The Buyer’s Guide to Analytic Process Automation