O melhor software de visualização de dados

Technology   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Oct 17, 2021 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Alteryx & Tableau partner to deliver the best data visualization software solution

Long regarded as one of the best data visualization software platforms, Tableau is strategically partnered with Alteryx Designer Cloud, the #1 data wrangling solution by industry analysts. The two best-of-breed technologies share the same goal of providing a more visual and intuitive experience with big data, cutting out any bottlenecks or technical barricades. For organizations investing in big data, this is huge. The Tableau and Alteryx partnership allows them to leverage existing resources to execute big data initiatives, empowering their analysts to work with the data they know best.

Tableau: One of the Best Data Visualization Software Platforms

Ask any analyst, and they’ll likely name Tableau as a strong contender for the best visualization software. Tableau helps anyone quickly analyze, visualize, and share information with its user-friendly interface and, today, more than 19,000 customers use Tableau in the office and on-the-go. It’s one of the best data visualizations software platforms to tell stories about data that matters.

Coupled with Alteryx Designer Cloud, Tableau users can work with data even further downstream, gaining access to raw data and gaining insights early on. When one of the best data visualization software platforms meets the industry’s #1 data wrangling software, analysts have more control over how to explore, transform, and visually present the data they need. Designer Cloud’s seamless integration with Tableau means that users can easily transform raw data sources into Tableau Data Extracts (TDEs) for downstream visualization and analysis.

Alteryx: The Bridge Between Hadoop and the Best Data Visualization Software

In addition to providing users with the ability to visually profile and wrangle data of all shapes and sizes, Alteryx Designer Cloud is a key bridge between Hadoop platforms and some of the best data visualization software platforms, Tableau included. With Trifacta, analysts don’t have to rely on IT for their data requirements, but can instead access the raw data in Hadoop themselves. Not only is this empowering for analysts, but saves countless IT hours and allows for a governed, self-service data wrangling solution.

This was certainly the case for GoPro, a Designer Cloud and Tableau customer. GoPro leveraged Designer Cloud to extend self-service to its analysts, allowing them to explore the raw data in Hadoop that they had previously never had access to, and strengthen their analysis in their best data visualization software of choice, Tableau. Since adopting the two technologies, GoPro has radically altered its big data process. The company’s analysis of camera log and social media data has led to improved product development and increasingly personalized marketing, all of which can be done by nontechnical users.

Get Designer Cloud and see how it can help you visualize your data through the data preparation process.
