April Morley

Director of Value Engineering

April was formerly the Director of Value Engineering at Alteryx.

People Feb 16, 2022
ETL Developer: Key Role in Determining and Supporting Data Systems and Data Storage
ETL Developers are important for the success of data systems and storage. Learn more about ETL Developers and their responsibilities here!
Technology Feb 15, 2022
Democratizing Data and Analytics for a Digital-First World: A global study of data workers' activities.
People Feb 15, 2022
Competing for the $15 Trillion AI Prize in Supply Chain and Beyond
From leadership and culture to strategy and project approach, the way AI and advanced analytics unfolds within an organization makes a huge ...
What's New Feb 8, 2022
Trifacta Joins the Alteryx Family
Trifacta joins the Alteryx family to help customers and partners bring even more value to their businesses, powered by breakthrough data ana...
Strategy Feb 5, 2022
Cloud Data Integration for IT & Business Users
You can avoid inconsistencies and security risks with cloud data integration. Similarly, you can avoid hassle by preparing cloud data with A...
People Feb 4, 2022
The Female Founder Bringing Data Analytics to Life
Woman entrepreneur makes data analytics come alive in Germany.
What's New Feb 3, 2022
Faster Data Processing with Designer Cloud’s In-Memory Engine
Data Transformation has always been a tedious task for data processing engines. Learn more about how Designer Cloud can help.
Technology Feb 2, 2022
Data Extraction In Excel vs. Modern Solutions
Data extraction is part of the data preparation process that businesses use. Learn about extracting data in Excel vs. other solutions.
People Feb 2, 2022
Celebrating Black Visionaries in Tech
The contributions made by Black women and men in the tech community, both past and present, are profound, and for that, we thank you.
People Jan 28, 2022
5 Ways to Excel as a Business Analyst
The role of a business analyst is as dynamic as the data they handle. Evolve, adjust, pivot, and adapt to lead the pack.
Strategy Jan 25, 2022
How to Excel as a Business Analyst
The role of a business analyst is as dynamic as the data they handle. Evolve, adjust, pivot, and adapt to lead the pack.
Technology Jan 24, 2022
Why So Many Organizations Are Getting AI and Machine Learning  Wrong
 People struggle to  understand what AI really does, and its limitations. Here are eight beliefs about AI that we need to di...
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