Presenting sponsorship of World T.E.A.M. Sports’ 2012 Adventure TEAM Challenge provides Alteryx real-world team-building opportunity

Denver, CO – April 10, 2012 – For many corporations, talk of cooperation and teamwork between staff members is just that – talk. For Alteryx, the leader in strategic analytics, delivering a complete desktop-to-cloud solution, strong corporate support of World T.E.A.M. Sports’ annual Adventure TEAM Challenge has resulted in embracing the inclusive event and its real-life cooperative problem-solving.

At the recent Alteryx Inspire conference in Denver for clients such as Walmart, AT&T, Experian and CenturyLink, Chairman and CEO Dean Stoecker used the annual awards dinner to recognize and honor staff and partners who participated in the 2011 Adventure TEAM Challenge. He also called upon his clients to embrace innovation and problem-solving by actively participating in the Challenge through fielding teams, athletes or providing sponsorship support.

At the Adventure TEAM Challenge, it’s not all about winning the race. Including both disabled and able-bodied competitors on teams of five persons changes the perspective of all the participants. Held in the high Colorado desert near Grand Junction and Fruita this May 18-20, the Challenge will feature at least 15 teams, assuring the 2012 edition to be the largest to date. Alteryx has served as presenting sponsor for the event since 2011, after fielding a team in the 2010 Challenge and discovering how it changes lives.

Created by blind adventurer Erik Weihenmayer following his participation in outdoor competitions including the Eco-Challenge, the Adventure TEAM Challenge brings together experienced adventure athletes, wounded warriors from our nation’s military, corporate fitness enthusiasts and individuals with disabilities, including paraplegics and quadriplegics.

Each team is required to include two persons with disabilities, including one who is a wheelchair user. Negotiating obstacles along the route, including mountain biking, river rafting, climbing and hiking, is particularly challenging as all team members must stay together throughout the Challenge. Successful teams rely not only on strength and endurance, but also on problem solving and innovation.

For additional information about the 2012 Adventure TEAM Challenge, please visit the official event website.

About World T.E.A.M. Sports

World T.E.A.M. Sports is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization chartered in North Carolina and headquartered in Holbrook, New York. For more than 20 years, World T.E.A.M. Sports has organized athletic events for disabled and able bodied citizens – mountain climbing, white water rafting, biking, and more. In all our events – whether mountain climbing, biking, white water rafting or many other sports – we include both disabled and able-bodied participants. Four things always happen at our events: 1) Disabled participants build self-confidence and physical fitness. 2) The disabled provide a role model for other disabled citizens, encouraging them to take up physical activities. 3) The disabled become a moving inspiration to other participants and to spectators when they see that disabled individuals can meet challenges beyond anyone’s imagination. 4) The disabled and able-bodied participants learn to work as a team to overcome those challenges. We change lives through sports.