TrifactaがGoogle Cloud Dataprep Premium Editionを発表:活用すべき5つの理由

What's New   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Sep 8, 2020 TIME TO READ: 6 MINS

It’s here!

After three years in the market, we’re excited to introduce a new Premium edition of Google Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta. The Premium edition delivers on the requests we’ve heard from our most active customers: enhanced security, increased connectivity, automation capabilities, and a higher level of support and service from our team, to name a few.

Take a closer look at the Premium edition in action below:

We’ve seen firsthand how graduating to the Premium version of Cloud Dataprep gives companies an edge in their data strategy. And for companies that run on data, such as OFI Asset Management, that can mean a world of difference. Matthieu Dumergue, Chief Data Officer at OFI, explains:

OFI Asset Management needed to consolidate and normalize numerous disparate source systems into one consistent view to serve all our business functions. With Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta’s native integration with the Google Cloud Analytics Suite and in particular BigQuery, we have been able to lay the foundation of our enterprise Cloud Data Warehouse strategy. By upgrading to Cloud Dataprep Premium Edition we are now able to leverage a comprehensive set of APIs with other advanced capabilities to propel us to the next level of automation with pervasive adoption of self-service analytics and full-transition to a data-led organization.

Here are the top five reasons why companies like OFI Asset Management are choosing to upgrade to Cloud Dataprep Premium:

1. Extended Connectivity

One of the top requests we hear from Cloud Dataprep users is the ability to work with data outside of Cloud Dataprep’s BigQuery and Cloud Storage. Cloud Dataprep Premium now offers connectivity to Google Sheets, Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL and PostgreSQL. This new set of connections (with more to come) is a considerable step toward self-service. Now, data analysts won’t need IT assistance or another solution in their workflow to take advantage of these sources.

Showing some BigQuery love

Along with these new connectors, users now have access to BigQuery custom SQL, column filtering (a first step toward pushing down the Cloud Dataprep recipes into BigQuery SQL transformation!), and even some BigQuery User Define Function (UDF) tricks.
Custom SQL means that you can customize the SQL statements to precisely extract the data you need to get prepared—no more, no less. Column filtering means that when you prepare data from a BigQuery table, Cloud Dataprep will only select the columns utilized in the recipes. These capabilities optimize BigQuery access for advanced performance, faster transformations and flexibility.

2. Enterprise Scale Operationalization

It’s not uncommon for large organizations to house their data in numerous environments that span multi-cloud and on-premise, each with their own distinct configurations and optimizations. With Cloud Dataprep Premium, working across all of these unique environments is a whole lot easier. Operationalization and performance tuning become reality by way of recipe export and import across editions and versions, flow parameters, custom configuration for Dataflow performance tuning, and advanced APIs to automate Software Development Life Cycles and monitoring.

3. Pipeline Orchestration

Cloud Dataprep offers individual job scheduling by default—an incredibly useful feature that automates the process of performing the same data preparation actions on new data. However, Cloud Dataprep Premium raises the bar on automation capabilities significantly by allowing users to fully automate complex data preparation pipelines. Cloud Dataprep orchestration can chain multiple jobs together, alert users on the job success or error, call external tasks (such as Cloud Functions); all this with full API support & parametrization to programmatically build an end-to-end analytics solution

4. Adaptive Data Quality

Data quality has always been top of mind for users of Cloud Dataprep. In fact, it’s often the number one reason that customers start using the solution in the first place. With Cloud Dataprep Premium edition, we’re entering a new age for data quality with Data Quality Rules, or data quality assessments powered by machine learning that monitor if the current data is fit for use. You can decide to keep the suggestions, edit them, or create your own. As you transform your data, the rules are updated in real-time to inform you about your data’s accuracy. Eventually, these rules will not only monitor your data, but also entire data pipelines. Read the Data Quality Rules blog or the vision blog to learn how Trifacta innovates in data quality.

5. Advanced Security and Extended Support

Some organizations require security requirements beyond the extensive security already provided by Google Cloud and Cloud Dataprep, such as privatizing their cloud with custom data encryption, or limiting resource access for data preparation to a controlled set of users. Cloud Dataprep Premium expands on current security standards by providing individual data access control—meaning only users who are authorized to see the data will be able to prepare it—which uses a combination of Google IAM roles and BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and Google Sheets access rights to determine access. Networking also now supports a much wider range of configurations that includes custom networks, private IPs, or shared VPCs.

Advanced  Trifacta Support, Training, and Success Plan

To help customers with these advanced features, we’re also providing direct access to Trifacta Support, our standard and customized training delivered by Trifacta experts. Finally, users can partner with Trifacta’s Customer Success team and select an interactment level that makes sense for them to get the most of their Cloud Dataprep usage.

To learn more about how to upgrade to Cloud Dataprep Premium or just try it for free, reach out to a Trifacta specialist here

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