PlusUp Prepares Social Media Data 90% Faster with Designer Cloud onboarding their BigQuery Cloud Data Warehouse

Technology   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Aug 26, 2020 TIME TO READ: 2 MINS

Ask a marketer for their opinion on social media and they’ll likely give you some version of this: it’s important, but seemingly impossible to measure well.

Why? For starters, there’s a huge amount of factors that can optimize any given social media post (ad copy, images, promotions, target demographics, etc.) and properly testing those factors requires wrangling huge volumes of data. It’s no wonder that many companies outsource the job entirely to agencies that have mastered the art and science of social media marketing, such as PlusUp.

In this webinar, PlusUp gives us a closer look at the modern data stack that they’ve built on top of a cloud data warehouse to automate social media analytics for their clients. Their model includes Google Cloud, BigQuery, Data Studio, FiveTran and Google Cloud Dataprep. For PlusUp, moving to a cloud data warehouse was an essential part of their strategy. Specifically, Google Cloud allowed them to easily pull in data from other Google services, such as Google Documents, and quickly transform it with Google Cloud Dataprep.

The end result? PlusUp now prepares social media data 90% faster with Cloud Dataprep.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The advantages of a customized modern data stack vs. an out-of-the-box solution
  • How moving to a cloud data warehouse has improved scalability and offered a seamless experience between services
  • How analysts who couldn’t even write a line of SQL are now transforming huge volumes of social media data at scale in BigQuery