Technology   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Jun 6, 2021 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

JSON to XLS: Working with Large Scale Data and a Variety of Data Formats

When working with a variety of data formats JSON to XLS is a great solution. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open-standard format that stores a lot of information within a nest or array, creating an organized and easy-to-access collection of data. XLS, or Excel, is a considerably less complex format, with rows and columns instead of nests and arrays. Undeniably, these two formats are very different and the data is not very easy to convert from one format to the other.

Converting JSON data to an XLS format means un-nesting the JSON structure and force fitting the data into Excel. This can be a difficult process, for one, but also inherently unnatural. Converting JSON to XLS requires users to unnest the JSON structure into several columns, yet it is also possible that the users may want to unnest that structure further while now contained in a single row. In that sense, JSON to XLS can be extremely limiting.

JSON to XLS: When Legacy Tools Reach Their Breaking Point

One of the big challenges of converting JSON to XLS is a broader indication that many legacy tools, Excel included, can’t keep up with the scale and variety of today’s growing data. As JSON becomes more and more common (for example, social media is commonly collected in a JSON format) data analysts must rethink the data preparation and data transformation tools they depend on to clean, format and join this data with other, more traditional data sources.

The Designer Cloud Solution for Converting JSON to XLS

Alteryx Designer Cloud was specifically developed to make the data preparation process easier and faster. Our solution is an easy-to-use data preparation tool that allows the user to work with diverse data sources and a variety of data formats, including JSON, accelerating the overall process of exploring, cleaning and standardizing data formats. When it comes to converting JSON to XLS, this means un-nesting JSON structures with a few simple clicks, deleting the information that is not useful, and combining the rest with more traditional sources, such as XLS. Better yet, Designer Cloud allows you to easily test and iterate data transformations in order to arrive at the best possible output for your data analysis.

Are you challenged with trying to convert your data from JSON to XLS? Designer Cloud can help you transform complex data sources. Sign up for the Designer Cloud 30 day trial today to see for yourself how you can better work with complex data sources and easily convert JSON data to XLS format.
