共同提案 – コミュニティ主導のデータ準備

Technology   |   Matt Derda   |   Aug 21, 2020 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

It’s Friday night and you’re really in the mood for sushi. You’ve already got your pajamas on so you’re not going out, you’re for sure ordering in. But you’ve never had sushi delivered before and you’re not sure what restaurants in your area deliver or even have good sushi. You open Yelp on your phone, plug in your address and search sushi. You get tons of options with recommendations from other members of your community helping you make the decision and make it fast, because you’re starving. There’s a bunch of people who recommend the Dragon Roll (your favorite) at this one place down the street. You place your order on Grubhub and turn on Netflix. Now you just have to find something to watch….

In Designer Cloud, we’ve introduced a similar concept in our latest release with the new feature Collaborative Suggestions. Instead of having to create recipe steps from scratch, Designer Cloud provides recommended transformations based on how users in your workspace are working with similar types of data.

What is it?

Collaborative Suggestions is a new feature that allows users to take advantage of the ‘collective data preparation intelligence’ of their organization. When users interact with data, Designer Cloud suggests transformations that they or other users in their workspace have previously leveraged on similar types of data.

Why is this feature important?

Collaborative Suggestions allows users to be faster when designing data preparation workflows. While Designer Cloud has a robust set of predictive transformations we offer out of the box, there will always be scenarios unique to your data or organization such as product SKUs, factory locations, ticker symbols, etc. By making these transformations available to user groups, the prep work can be completed much faster and users don’t have to ‘start from scratch’ with every recipe step.

This feature promotes community driven data preparation. Instead of having a single knowledge worker as the sole proprietor of institutional knowledge, expertise and common experiences are leveraged by the entire user community.

How Does it work?

A ‘Recently Used’ section has been added to the suggestions panel which presents users with transformations that they have used before on similar columns.

Additionally, transformation suggestions from other users in your workspace are added to the suggestions list for each task when working with similar columns.

What else?

Suggestions improve over time when certain transformations are used more frequently on similar types of data.

Also, you do have the option to turn off sharing if you prefer to not utilize this feature within your workspace. In your Designer Cloud workspace under Preferences, simply disable the Share usage data to improve product intelligence setting:

Learn more about Collaborative Suggestions on our Help Center

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