Use Case

Customer Account Segmentation


Connect customer account data and apply business rules using a single workflow. Use a data-driven approach and advanced analytics to segment your customer base into a single view for sales teams to gain a deeper understanding of customers and for sales management to drive interaction strategy.

Top-Line Growth

Uncover which customers you should prioritize, and which ones provide the highest value to your company

Bottom-Line Returns

Reduce overhead for uncovering key customer account metrics; enable sales reps to spend more time selling

Efficiency Gains

Create dashboards that show top KPIs per customer in a single view and create reports that show which customers to contact first

Business Problem

On average, sales reps spend about 20% of their time on administrative tasks, including researching where customers are in their buying journey and identifying which accounts to prioritize. Support cases, sales inquiries, product usage metrics, and buying patterns are all valuable data points that sales reps need to consider in order to understand where they stand with their customers. But every minute they spend manually prioritizing accounts is a minute less they can spend addressing customer needs.

Alteryx Solution

The process of optimizing sales performance and understanding accounts requires an automated and concise view of key customer metrics. The ideal view makes priority accounts stand out, clearly defines customer segments, and clearly displays key metrics like:

  • Annual Contract Value (ACV): What the customer currently has invested in the product
  • Renewal Health Score (RHS): How likely the customer is to renew or buy again
  • Runway Metrics: Total estimated lifetime value of the customer

With a segmented view of customers based on key metrics, sales reps can focus on the highest value accounts, address groups of accounts in danger of churning, and apply winning strategies to similar accounts.

With Alteryx, you can:

  • Automatically extract data from Salesforce, or use In-Database tools to prep & blend data before extraction
  • Apply business rules, such as key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Perform advanced segmentation methods, such as k-means clustering plus develop models either by pulling in custom python code with the Python tool, or using Alteryx Intelligence Suite
  • Connect data output to Tableau dashboards, send automated emails to managers, or store data in Snowflake

Account Segmentation Example Designer Workflow

1 – In-Database Tools

Alteryx enables you to automate the prep and blend of data in your database with In-DB tools

2 – Advanced Analytics

Centroid Analysis and K-means Clustering Models can be performed using the Python tool or directly in the workflow

3 – Operationalize

Write data into a spreadsheet, or automatically upload to Snowflake or Alteryx reporting tools


Additional Resources

Starter Kit for Salesforce

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Starter Kit for Tableau

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Starter Kit for Customer Analytics
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