La puissance inexploitée des données de télémétrie

Technology   |   Sebastian Cyris   |   May 21, 2024 TIME TO READ: 5 MINS

Data is everywhere, but it’s not always used to its full potential. (In fact, as much as 70% of data is underutilized.) One particularly overlooked data type is telemetry data — information collected automatically during system operation. Businesses gather vast amounts of operational data, but much remains unused, hidden within complex systems, or ignored due to difficulties accessing it.

Analyzing telemetry data can unlock a wealth of information, which can then be used to optimize and make decisions about system use. I have developed and released a new telemetry tool for Alteryx Analytics Cloud operational data called the Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool. It is designed to change how businesses use this data, making it more straightforward to analyze and use to make decisions.

Read on as I explain how this tool works and who it will work best for.

Take a deeper look at your telemetry data.

Operational data — such as job execution metrics and system performance indicators — contains critical insights that are often overlooked. This data holds the power to provide actionable intelligence on everything from process optimization to predictive maintenance, potentially boosting operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool is specifically designed to release this potential. It provides a user-friendly platform that both technical and non-technical personnel can easily operate, helping businesses make the most of their existing data.

Using the telemetry tool has several upsides:

Improved decision-making: The telemetry tool provides detailed insights into system performance, job execution, and user activities. Managers and executives can use these insights to make strategic decisions. For example, looking at when most workflows are run can help managers optimize uptime and expect increases in the need for critical systems.

Increased Operational Efficiency: The Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool can identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Administrators can leverage detailed reports and analytics to streamline processes and enhance response times, thus improving overall productivity.

Customization and Flexibility: The tool offers extensive customization options, allowing users to adjust data ranges and export data in various formats like XML, JSON, CSV, or Excel. It even allows to save and analyze datasets offline, once a data has been collected.

Proactive Problem Solving: The telemetry tool enables IT teams to address potential issues before they disrupt operations by monitoring system performance and forecasting future utilization.

How to use the telemetry tool

Several different roles can benefit from using the Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool:

IT Administrators: IT administrators can use the telemetry tool to monitor system performance and identify potential issues before they escalate. By providing detailed analytics on job executions, including frequencies and execution time variations, IT administrators can quickly resolve job failures or delays, reducing downtime. The tool’s built-in forecasting model allows them to anticipate future resource allocation.

Business Managers: Business managers can use the telemetry tool to gain insights into operational efficiencies and inefficiencies. The tool’s reporting and heat mapping features allow managers to identify trends in data usage, resource allocation, and system performance. The tool can also be used to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs by identifying areas for process improvement.

End Users (Non-Technical): The telemetry tool is accessible to non-technical users. This group can utilize the tool to access simple yet powerful insights without needing deep technical knowledge. The tool’s user-friendly interface allows these users to perform complex data analysis tasks efficiently.

Data Analysts: Although the tool is designed to be user-friendly for non-technical users, it also serves data analysts by providing robust data extraction, transformation, and loading capabilities. Analysts can export data in formats like XML, JSON, or CSV for deeper analysis using other advanced tools like Tableau or Excel. This flexibility enhances the workflow for data professionals, allowing them to integrate telemetry insights into broader data models and reports.

Harnessing telemetry data

The Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool is a game changer for how companies manage and interpret their operational data. It’s designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to everyone, from IT professionals to non-technical staff, ensuring that all levels of an organization can tap into valuable insights for more intelligent decision-making. With its intuitive interface and robust analytics, this tool is not just about accessing data — it’s about making data work smarter to boost efficiency and proactively tackle challenges. Find the untapped power of your data with the Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool and see how it can transform your business operations for the better.
