Constituer un vivier d'expertes en Data Science

People   |   Paula Hansen   |   Mar 8, 2024 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

This month, as we honor the contributions of trailblazing women in the technology sector and business, I want to spotlight a mission that is close to my heart – building and fostering a pipeline of female and non-binary professionals in the data analytics space.

While gender bias shouldn’t be a roadblock to innovation, women continue to face barriers to entry and advancement in tech careers compared to their male counterparts. According to research from the WomenTech Network, women still make up less than a third of the tech workforce.

Generative AI-powered technology is expected to help increase equity, inclusion, and accountability in tech by creating new opportunities for women. According to TheCube, this is because women business leaders score better than men in emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and communication and have a more service-oriented mindset. These qualities are important for developing and working alongside AI.

In the data analytics space, projects benefit from teams with diversity in gender and ethnicity as unique perspectives help mitigate data bias and ensure more balanced decisions. So, whether you’re a data enthusiast or contemplating a career in the data analytics field, it is my hope that telling the data story from diverse viewpoints will inspire all of us to create a more inclusive and collaborative data community.

Leveraging analytics to solve problems and break barriers

In this blog, I look forward to spotlighting the voices of Analytics Champions at Seagen, a global biotechnology company dedicated to revolutionizing cancer care. Keep reading to learn about how Brooke Munnings and Pang Chaoprang Herrera are leveraging analytics to solve problems and break barriers.

Brooke Munnings – Analytics and Reporting Manager at Seagen

Tell us about your journey to become a data analytics expert.
When I first started out in my career, my heart was in healthcare. However, I quickly realized that I preferred a role where I could make a significant impact without being hands-on in the healthcare delivery process. While working at a primary care facility, I was able to dip my toes into healthcare data analytics – that experience was life-changing!

This revelation prompted me to seek diverse experiences within the healthcare space – including in insurance and clinical trials – working with various employers to grasp the full picture of issues that needed to be addressed. No two areas are alike, and this fueled my enthusiasm to use data analytics to find meaningful solutions.

What advice would you give someone starting on their data analytics career journey?
Find the area that you’re passionate about because it will make the problems that you’re going to solve so much easier. In addition, finding a mentor in the space you’re passionate about is just as significant. Nearly 10 years later, my mentor is still my biggest supporter.

Pang Chaoprang Herrera  – Senior Clinical Data Analyst at Seagen

Tell us about your journey to become a data analytics expert.
My background is in biomedical science, forensic psychology, and clinical research. I completed my first master’s degree in forensic psychology in New York, and it was during this time that I first began to develop an affinity for working with data. While working in the hospital system, I dedicated nearly a decade to various roles, ranging from clinical trials to managing patient-reported outcome data and general patient information. What struck me was the diversity among these data sources. Each stream brought its unique challenges.

I started looking into the field of data and analytics, leading me to expand my skill set with a focus on coding. The pandemic brought a surge in demand for data and analytics. My journey has been incredibly fulfilling as I’ve discovered my niche – finding both passion and purpose in navigating the complexities of data.

What advice would you give someone starting on their data and analytics journey?
When I did my undergraduate degree, data analytic-related classes and programs were extremely limited. But the younger generation now understands that data analytics is a great field. There are many opportunities to get into the data and analytics space, whether you are a coder or a non-coder. With software like Alteryx, you don’t need to have a degree in computer science or computer engineering to have a career in data and analytics.

Learn more

For additional inspirational stories from Analytics Champions, visit If you are a student or professional interested in a career in data analytics, or an educator looking to empower your students by bringing data analytics into the classroom, check out Alteryx SparkED. This comprehensive learning program helps students and young professionals succeed in this field with hands-on training, free access to Alteryx Designer, and access to a community of like-minded learners.