Designer Cloud is a Simple Solution for Big Data Discovery

Technology   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Dec 12, 2022 TIME TO READ: 2 MINS

Businesses operating today are challenged with transforming and preparing data of all shapes and sizes to gain valuable business insights. Big data discovery is considered to be a daunting task and many view big data preparation as janitorial work. However, Alteryx offers a way to make this task easy, Designer Cloud can help with your big data discovery and data preparation needs.

The Alteryx Designer Cloud Solution

Designer Cloud has an easy-to-use data wrangling solution developed from the ground up for big data that provides the user with a comprehensive six step process and an efficient way to do big data discovery. Our data wrangling technology might be the missing link between IT teams and the business users who need the data most to make critical business decisions. Many companies are using our self-service data preparation solution to improve big data discovery and to speed up the process of data analysis. Using Designer Cloud your organization can improve the business value you get out of your data:

  • Reduce the time spent on preparing data for business analysis
  • Improve the process of data preparation for big data discovery
  • Clean and structure data for use in business intelligence tools
  • Transform raw, messy data into a structured output for analysis

Alteryx offers solutions for everyone in your organization working with data; IT professionals, business users and data analysts.

Find out why data wrangling is important in big data discovery – sign up for a free 30 day trial of Designer Cloud.
