Joe Hellerstein

Chief Strategy Officer

Joe is the former Trifacta’s Chief Strategy Officer, Co-founder and Jim Gray Chair of Computer Science at UC Berkeley. His career in research and industry has focused on data-centric systems and the way they drive computing. In 2010, Fortune Magazine included him in their list of 50 smartest people in technology, and MIT Technology Review magazine included his Bloom language for cloud computing on their TR10 list of the 10 technologies “most likely to change our world”.

Strategy Sep 7, 2021
Back to SQL: Data Engineering
As part of growing our massive new Data Science program at Berkeley, it became clear that we needed to target a class specifically for Data ...
What's New Aug 30, 2021
Transformation: Next Level SQL
When we use SQL for Transformation—the “T” in ELT—the focus changes. In this case, we’re taking many messy and disparate tables an...
Technology Aug 23, 2021
SQL Pipelines and ELT
ELT is increasingly attractive these days. Modern data warehouses are flexible and increasingly cost-effective, allowing us to store large v...
Strategy Aug 16, 2021
Summer of SQL: Why It’s Back
For the first decades of the Millenium, it seemed like the Java-centric approach was the "hot new thing," but SQL has been roaring back. Tod...