Alteryx Copilot FAQs

Optimisation de l'analytique grâce à l'IA, rationalisation des workflows pour une accélération des insights.

What is Alteryx Copilot?

Alteryx Copilot is an AI-powered analytics companion that accelerates workflow creation, provides instant answers and recommendations, and seamlessly integrates tools within Designer Desktop, revolutionizing the way customers interact with their data.

NOTE: Alteryx Copilot does not use ChatGPT. Alteryx Copilot uses Google Gemini.

What problem does Alteryx Copilot solve?

Manual Workflow Configuration: Traditional workflow creation often requires significant manual effort, including selecting and configuring various tools and steps. Alteryx Copilot streamlines this process by automating many of the configuration tasks, reducing the time and effort required to set up complex workflows.

Time-Consuming Workflow Development: Developing analytical workflows can be time consuming, particularly when dealing with large datasets or complex analysis tasks. Alteryx Copilot accelerates this process by expediting workflow creation, allowing users to focus more on analysis and interpretation rather than on the mechanics of building the workflow itself.

Accessing Relevant Insights: Finding the right insights within a dataset can be difficult, especially for users who may not have extensive experience with data analysis. Alteryx Copilot helps users access relevant insights by providing recommendations based on the user’s queries and the context of their analysis, ultimately improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the analytical process.

What are the benefits of using Alteryx Copilot?
  • Accelerated Workflow Creation: Alteryx Copilot drastically speeds up the creation of workflows, reducing time spent on manual configurations.
  • Ask a Question, Get an Answer: Simply chat with Alteryx Copilot, and AiDIN responds back with answers and recommendations.
  • Dynamic Analytical Ally: Alteryx Copilot is conversational and even places tools directly on the canvas to create your workflow.
What is the technology that powers Alteryx Copilot and how does it work?

Alteryx Copilot is a Designer Desktop feature that uses generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), more specifically the Google Gemini LLM (Large Language Model). Alteryx Copilot works by connecting to Google Gemini. An API call is executed each time an Alteryx Copilot user sends a prompt or asks Alteryx Copilot to do a task. This process is seamless to the customer since Alteryx is hosting the experience – therefore the customer won’t need a Google Gemini license.

Pour en savoir plus sur Google Gemini, cliquez ici.

What is the pricing for Alteryx Copilot?

Customers can get free access to Alteryx Copilot by joining the Preview here.

Will Alteryx Copilot always be free?

Des stratégies de monétisation potentielles sont à l'étude, mais aucune décision finale n'a encore été prise.

What version of Designer Desktop is required for Alteryx Copilot to work?

Customers will need to have Designer Desktop versions 23.2 or 24.1 to be compatible with Alteryx Copilot.

Does Alteryx Copilot require connectivity to the internet?

Yes, Alteryx Copilot connects to Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform to send prompts and receive responses.

Quelles données ou métadonnées sont envoyées à Google ?

Les données transmises à Google comprennent les métadonnées de workflows, qui incluent la disposition spatiale des outils sur les canevas, ainsi que fichier XML des workflows et des métadonnées sur les données, telles que les en-têtes de colonne. Ces informations facilitent le traitement et l'analyse efficaces des workflows.

Les LLM sont-ils ouverts ou fermés, privés ou publics ?

The LLMs (Large Language Models) utilized in Alteryx Copilot fall under the closed and private category as it uses Google Gemini to generate responses and it comprises a collection of private LLMs. Currently users do not have the capability to provide feedback directly to the model. However, this feature is under consideration by our product team for future versions of Alteryx Copilot. Additionally, users do not have access to the base LLM; it is hosted and fine-tuned exclusively by Alteryx for Alteryx Copilot.

S'agit-il d'une fonctionnalité obligatoire ou facultative ? Cette fonctionnalité est-elle activée par défaut ?

Alteryx Copilot operates on an opt-in basis as part of the access process. Customers will gain access to Alteryx Copilot by downloading an executable. It’s important to note that Alteryx Copilot will not suddenly appear in Designer; customers must actively download and install it, thus making participation optional.

Comment les données sont-elles sécurisées en transit / au repos lors de l'utilisation de cette fonctionnalité ?

Data security is an essential aspect when using Alteryx Copilot. The following measures are taken to ensure the security of data:

Données en transit :

When using Alteryx Copilot, customer analysis data is never sent to Google Gemini directly. Instead, copilot generates prompts using the customer’s workflow metadata and the chat message they sent to copilot. These prompts are then submitted to Google Gemini hosted on Google Vertex AI to retrieve responses. The communication between Copilot and Google Vertex AI is secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Données au repos :

Alteryx Copilot stores message data and workflow metadata in our application database as part of Alteryx infrastructure, which uses storage encryption of data at-rest. Prompts are not stored by Google for longer than necessary to generate output and isn’t used to train Google’s Foundation Models.

Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici :


Alteryx AI Platform for Enterprise Analytics


Alteryx Copilot

Ce compagnon analytique alimenté par l'IA accélère la création de workflow, fournit des réponses et des recommandations instantanées et intègre de manière transparente les outils au sein de votre plateforme Designer, pour révolutionner la façon dont vous rationalisez les insights.