Kognitio partners with Alteryx, joins analytic partner program

Complementary solutions place powerful analytic capabilities in hands of business analysts via the cloud; Big Data insights require no IT department ‘heavy lifting’

New York, NY – April 23, 2012 – In-memory data analytics pioneer Kognitio today announced an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) agreement with Alteryx, Inc., a leading provider of strategic analytics, under which the Kognitio Analytic Platform will offer data connectivity for Alteryx Strategic Analytics. The partnership will benefit companies seeking to obtain the greatest insight from Big Data via a cloud-based implementation, allowing them to get the answers they need from large volumes of information more quickly and cost-effectively than ever.

Together, Kognitio and Alteryx deliver significant benefits to customers across a range of industries, including consumer packaged goods (CPG), restaurants, retail and telecommunications. Companies in these industries increasingly require the need for immediate information as a way of maintaining their competitive marketplace advantage. They will be able to deploy a flexible desktop-to-cloud computing model, including through Kognitio Cloud, or will be able to install a Kognitio-powered data warehousing appliance at their on-premise data center. Both alternatives enable rapid installation, and feature low time-to-value.

“True strategic analytics require not only a powerful and intuitive user interface, but the capability to churn through Big Data sets from inside and outside the walls of the business, without the administration and data manipulation layers that have impeded the development of such systems in the past,” said Michael Hiskey, VP of Marketing and Business Development at Kognitio. “Organizations using Alteryx Strategic Analytics will be able to leverage the Kognitio Analytic Platform, with its proven ability to rapidly analyze vast amounts of data, to get the insights they need to do business into today’s competitive marketplace.”

Hiskey noted that companies that choose Kognitio Cloud obtain significant cost and time benefits, including implementations without CapEx expenditures, the ability to flexibly scale the project based on changing requirements, or the need for additional IT staff to manage the project.

Alteryx Strategic Analytics is a desktop-to-cloud solution that gives data artisans and business leaders the ability to utilize the private cloud, unify and leverage critical data from various sources, and simplify the adoption of analytics through packaged applications driven by industry-driven best practices.

“As a leader in Strategic Analytics, Alteryx is committed to deliver greater business agility into the hands of key decision makers and data artisans through powerful analytic applications,” said Paul Evans, Senior Vice President of Channel Sales and Strategic Alliances for Alteryx. “Partnering with Kognitio, we have the ability to leverage Big Data technology to help organizations capitalize on the power of data-driven insight to propel better decision making and drive higher growth in customer value.”

About Kognitio

Kognitio is driving the convergence of Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing. Having delivered the first in-memory analytical platform in 1989, it was designed from the ground up to turn massive amounts of raw, complex data into valuable business insight. As an appliance, in the cloud, or on industry-standard x86 servers, Kognitio provides the highest amount of scalable compute power to allow rapid execution of complex analytical queries without the administrative overhead of manipulating data.

Kognitio Cloud is a ready-to-use analytical platform. A secure, private cloud Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), it leverages the cloud computing model to make the Kognitio Analytical Platform available for a monthly operational cost on a fixed term. Clients span industries, including market research, consumer packaged goods, retail, telecommunications, financial services, insurance, gaming, media and utilities.

To learn more about Kognitio, visit www.kognitio.com and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

About Alteryx

Alteryx provides indispensable analytic solutions for enterprise and SMB companies making critical decisions about how to expand and grow. Our product, Alteryx Strategic Analytics, is a desktop-to-cloud Agile BI and analytics solution designed for data artisans and business leaders that brings together the market knowledge, location insight, and business intelligence today’s organizations require. For more than a decade, Alteryx has enabled strategic planning executives to identify and seize market opportunities, outsmart their competitors, and drive more revenue. Customers like Experian Marketing Services and McDonald’s rely on Alteryx daily for their most important decisions. Headquartered in Irvine, California, and with offices in Boulder and San Francisco, Alteryx empowers 250+ customers and 200,000+ users worldwide. Get inspired today at www.alteryx.com, or call 1-888-836-4274.