Private: Trifacta Legend February 2021: Ofir Kimberg

People   |   Matt Derda   |   Feb 25, 2021 TIME TO READ: < 1 MIN

Trifacta Legends is a monthly award series showcasing users who are doing legendary work with data. Are you doing legendary work in Trifacta? Apply to be a Trifacta Legend HERE.

Ofir Kimberg

Product Manager at aQurate

Many of you in the Trifacta community may already be familiar with Ofir Kimberg. If not, you definitely should be. Ofir is one of the most skilled Trifacta users outside of our company.  She has obtained her Wrangler, Knight, and Sensei certifications through the Trifacta Academy

As a Product Manager at aQurate, Ofir helps customers in Israel deploy Trifacta and design the method for approaching new projects. Because she is an expert level Trifacta user, she also provides training and guidance to other users on solving problems  such as restructuring complex JSON or using transactional data for analysis.

Learn more from Ofir in the video below:

  • Professional