Use Case

Automate Interactive Sales Reporting


Sales reports and dashboards are vital to communicating performance and driving business decisions. However, updating them is tedious and time consuming. Automating sales reports enables leaders to make business decisions in real time.

Bottom-Line Returns

Gain everyday insights for increased performance

Top-Line Growth

Monitor and motivate salespeople

Efficiency Gains

Save time and resources with automated reporting and visualization

Business Problem

How do you generate and publish your sales reports? Your sales data is only as good as your ability to base decisions and actions on it, and your sales reports should summarize your data clearly. The more a company’s sales increase, the greater its need for sales reports, and the less bandwidth its sales group has to manage reporting.

Tasks like designing, generating, publishing, and maintaining sales reports become functions of business intelligence (BI) and data analytics. But making the dashboards and visualizations useful means getting the right data into them from CRM and ERP systems, spreadsheets, and disparate formats used by channel sales partners. It’s difficult to get around to BI when most of the work involves massaging, reformatting, and cleaning huge quantities of sales transactions.

Alteryx Solution

Automated workflows help bridge the gap between raw data and visualization tools. They make the process of capturing and preparing data from disparate sources less tedious and labor intensive and the process of compressing and cleaning raw sales transactions less computationally intensive.

Not only does automation free up hours that analysts would otherwise spend crunching numbers, but it also frees up those hours multiple times each year. The never-ending demands of monthly, quarterly, and annual sales reporting mean that somebody – BI, sales, accounting, finance – can automate repeated, manual, error-prone calculations with workflows and analytics. As a result, reliable, comprehensive sales reports are available to decision makers to give them a greater competitive advantage.

With Alteryx, you can:

  • Connect data from Salesforce and combine that data with store location information to create a map of where your customers are buying and what products are in demand
  • With the Tableau Starter Kit, you can publish your sales insights directly to a Tableau Dashboard
  • With Alteryx Intelligence Suite, you can incorporate robust predictive models to forecast demand based on regional sales performance

1 – Data Connection:

Connect store sales data and combine with external data

2 – Visualization:

Use Tools like the Create Points tool to add store locations to map visualizations

3 – Data Communication:

Automatically send a sales report through email right from an Alteryx workflow


Additional Resources

Starter Kit for Salesforce
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Starter Kit for Tableau
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Sales Territory Optimization

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How to Automate Reports (And Deliver Valuable Insight)
Learn More

Customer Success Stories

Customer Story
CUNA MUTUAL Group Revamps Sales Compensation Model with Alteryx
Discover how CUNA MUTUAL Group uses analytics to take sales to the next level.
  • Process Automation
  • Business Leader
  • BI/Analytics/Data Science
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