Resumen mensual de SparkED: noviembre

Un resumen mensual de historias reales protagonizadas por participantes de SparkED.

People   |   Jennifer Miller   |   Nov 16, 2022 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Analytics skills are no longer reserved for a few data-focused jobs or companies. They are in high demand and relevant for every industry, on every team.


SparkED is a no-cost modern analytics education program from Alteryx that addresses this need by building the talent pipeline, and expanding the ecosystem of individuals who know how to question, understand, and solve with data. Our program is currently available at more than 850 education institutions in 47 countries.


Every month, we highlight SparkED stories that reveal the robust nature of the program, as well as its broad impact across higher education globally.


This month, we’re featuring stories from our backyard in California and the other side of the globe. See how they share one common goal: preparing future workers with the data skills employers want – and expect.


Institutional Impact



“The evolution of analytics to include qualitative, as well as quantitative data types, is essential. The context of any analysis is as important as the analysis itself. When students apply analytics to strategic or tactical decisions, their contextual knowledge and the tone of the responder are as essential as the trends observed in the numerical data. This allows the right decisions to be made at the right time within the proper context, even as the data shifts.”

–Dr. Rahul Bhaskar, professor, and director of the CSUF Center for Information Technology and Business Analytics


Cal State Fullerton’s College of Business & Economics has developed a Task Force to accelerate the expansion of data analytics learning beyond the business program into every other academic program where data insights play a role, including courses, a vibrant lab environment, and extra-curricular activities for both students and faculty.

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Student Impact

Zach Olson, Cal Poly


“Data analytics is the future of business. It will be a fantastic skill in my toolbelt to guide strategic decisions for my future company.”

–Zachary Olson, scholarship recipient


At Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California, professor Michael Zhang’s students are rapidly earning their Core certifications and receiving student scholarships from SparkED.
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Educator Impact

David Airehrour


“Alteryx promotes industry-readiness. My students can easily use Alteryx to start building solutions and deploy those solutions within minutes for the industry.”

–Dr. Airehrour, Unitec, instructor


Finally, at Unitec in New Zealand, independent learners are reskilling for better careers using Alteryx SparkED learning content.


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Learn More

Discover more about the Alteryx SparkED education program here:

  • SparkED
  • Analytics Leader
  • Business Leader
  • Professional