Alteryx ha recibido una vez más el reconocimiento Best Workplaces™ en Reino Unido

People   |   Alteryx   |   May 14, 2020 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

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2020 was a challenging year for several reasons: Covid-19, the rapid shift to working from home, and of course the social and personal challenges that impacted our associates and their families across the globe.

For our longstanding associates, standard practice was turned on its head as they transitioned to a virtual first world. And for our new starters — at all seniority levels — many are still looking forward to meeting their colleagues and peers face to face.

The world in which we work has changed, with decades worth of change and innovation condensed into just a handful of months. New research from the Future Forum — a survey of 9,000 workers — found that 72% of workers are looking for a hybrid future… a “combination of office and remote work.”

Developing a culture around dramatically shifting requirements needs both resilience and the recognition that culture is continuously evolving. What works today may not fit tomorrow, and investment is needed to keep things on track. Ultimately, working from home has helped us connect in new ways with our colleagues, with cats on video calls, all manner of background noises, and quite literally being invited into the homes of the people we’re speaking with. 

That’s why an award like the 2021 UK’s Best Workplaces is such an honor … it shows that all the hard work we’ve put in across Alteryx — the work we’ve all done to adapt, to change, and to thrive — has been worth it. This recognizes workplaces across the UK that “have done a tremendous job in building and sustaining a positive associate experience during an incredibly challenging year”.

We’re hugely excited to announce that — for the second year running — the work of the entire Alteryx team has been recognized by Great Place to Work® as we have again been ranked among the very top workplaces in the UK’s Best Workplaces™ awards!


Building the Alteryx Culture

At Alteryx, our culture isn’t just our newly refurbished office or words on a wall — it’s a roadmap in which our associates can advance their careers, work hard, and have fun while serving our customers, users, and partners. This certification signals to the world that — even remotely — we have all created and supported a culture we can be truly proud of as teams still gravitate to team huddles and brainstorming sessions or enjoy a great (virtual) lunch while hearing what everyone has been up to.

Every day we strive to build an environment where our associates are excited to come to work each morning. Despite our company pivoting to remote working in mid-March 2020, we have still successfully kept that same Alteryx culture.

Before the pandemic, we had built our brand on a foundation of innovation and inclusion — our associates not only have a seat at the table, but a voice too. Moreover, they are rewarded for their achievements. Without that foundation, and without the hard work of everyone at Alteryx, our culture simply would not be working at the same level.


Pivoting Through the Pandemic

Rising to the challenge, our associates hosted virtual talent shows on certain Fridays to show off their greatest talents or hobbies. They conducted a three minute ‘act’ in front of their enraptured audience; featuring everything from singing and dancing, to martial arts and bird calling.

In other areas, teams have been hosting creative virtual meetings, X-Factor style competitions, virtual coffee breaks, cooking competitions, trivia challenges, and more. Our HR team even came together to form the first Alteryx Gives Back virtual event where associates helped design and stylise puzzles which were donated to Barnardo’s Connecting — a local nonprofit supporting children in foster care.

What we’ve seen is each and every Alteryx associate taking responsibility for staying connected and maintaining those vital relationships virtually. What this award means is that the continued excellence of our Alteryx team — the value and trust that we base our culture around — has been officially marked as one of the best in the UK. Whether it’s through gifts, arranging catch-ups to discuss office banter and celebrate a success, or simply owning and sharing our Alteryx core values, we have well and truly kept the spirit alive.

Join Us. 

If you’re looking for a new challenge with (officially) some of the best people in the UK, take a look at our careers page!
