Cinco recursos inspirados en datos para darle un giro interesante al aislamiento

People   |   Mel Erbes   |   Apr 16, 2020 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Editor’s Note: The Roundup is a monthly blog that features great resources we’ve found online.

Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) has canceled practically everything, individuals around the world are finding interesting ways to keep themselves entertained. From binging to baking, we’re getting quite creative while under quarantine.

We applaud your efforts to stop the spread and want to help you beat the boredom with five resources we’ve found to keep isolation interesting.

  1. Grab the Popcorn: From classics like “The Terminator” or “Star Trek” to my personal favorite, “Ready Player One,” these Top 20 Data, ML + AI Movies portray technology in a variety of forms — a sidekick, the enemy, a friend, and even a lover. What are you watching?
  2. Sharpen Your Skills: Dive into new analytics techniques with FREE lessons that incorporate videos, hands-on activities, and quizzes to assess and upskill your knowledge, all from the comfort of your couch. What skills would you like to improve?
  3. Read On: Whether you tune in via audio or simply prefer the joy and feel of an actual book, there’s nothing better than a good read. Here, you can find Top 50 (FREE) Must Reads of 2020 that focus on data. If you’re looking for something fun and light, check out “Seeing Theory” by Daniel Kunin, who makes statistics more accessible through interactive visualizations. What’s on your reading list?
  4. Order Up: Data science and cooking have a lot in common. You take your “ingredients” (data collection) from a raw state and prep, blend, and then visually awe your audience with the final presentation (API endpoint). Watch Data Science Explained … with Cooking? by Ken Jee to explore flavor engineering and deep learning as part of the “cooking” process. Do you have a favorite recipe?
  5. De-Clutter: We all know that bad data can lead to erroneous outcomes. But when it comes to tackling a big mess, it can be a daunting task. Where do you even begin? In The Ultimate Guide to (Data) Cleaning, you’ll learn how to take out the trash and tidy up — without Marie Kondo by your side.

BONUS: Don’t Sweat It. Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t maintain an “exercise” routine. Give your mind a workout with our weekly data challenge — we provide the datasets; you share your solution — and summit the ranks of our Community!



Please share a picture or video of how you’re beating the boredom @alteryx.
