
Trifacta is now Alteryx Designer Cloud. Designer Cloud enables modern data workers to profile, prepare and pipeline data in an interactive and collaborative analytics application. It is accessible to anyone, from anywhere and available on the enterprise-grade, centralized, and secure Alteryx Analytics Cloud platform.

Strategy Apr 6, 2021
Connect your Data from Anywhere for Data Engineering
Connect directly to your data in a secure, self-serve, and reliable way. Bring enhanced connectivity to hundreds of data sources.
Technology Apr 2, 2021
Blueprint to Implement a Survey Data Warehouse Solution on Google Cloud
The team that brought you Google Cloud Dataprep has teamed up with Google Cloud to release a reference pattern in a Survey Data Warehouse fo...
Technology Apr 1, 2021
Solving for Data Science … And so Much More
There are many ways to evaluate software, but ultimately, like with most products, one of the best ways is to talk with users to get their v...
Technology Apr 1, 2021
Analytics and the Final Frontier
See how analytic automation boldly goes where no person has gone before.
Strategy Mar 30, 2021
How Most Self-Service Analytics Platforms Fail Business Leaders and Hurt Businesses
What if self-service analytics meant you could run a predictive or prescriptive report without knowing data science? We’re here to tell yo...
Strategy Mar 25, 2021
What Are Government Workers Saying About Advanced Analytics?
We surveyed 140 participants at the Alteryx Government Data Summit on their use of advanced analytics. Here's what they had to say.
Technology Mar 23, 2021
Pushing Data Engineering Tasks to Go Faster with New Pushdown Optimization
Designed to harness the power of your cloud data warehouse to do all of your self-service data cleansing and transformation through SQL-base...
Technology Mar 18, 2021
Top 5 Strategies to Future-Proof Analytics, Data Science, and ML Investments
Want the "secret sauce" to future-proofing your analytics and AI investments? It starts with these five strategies.
Technology Mar 18, 2021
A New World for Data and Analytics in Government
In this two-part blog series, we begin with key takeaways from the Alteryx Government Data Summit on the importance of data and analytics in...
People Mar 16, 2021
“Turning Mere Mortals Into Data Science Superheroes”
Mark Anderson, CEO, Alteryx, talks innovation, impact, and everyday data science superheroes.  
Strategy Mar 11, 2021
The Three Stats That Should Worry Every Logistics and Planning Leader
If you’re in logistics or planning, please accept our condolences. 2020 wasn’t kind to anyone, but especially not to you. Here are three...
Technology Mar 5, 2021
JSON to Array
JSON to Array conversions gives you faster data that’s analysis-ready. Learn more about how Trifacta helps speed up JSON to Array transfor...
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