Tatiana Servin

Content Marketing Manager

Tatiana, a former content marketing manager at Alteryx, was responsible for crafting, developing, and disseminating content centered around modern analytics in finance, tax, and audit domains. Her portfolio also extended to broader data science and analytics narratives.

Strategy Aug 21, 2019
Sink or Swim: 5 Big Data Challenges
Five most common data challenges we hear data analysts say when they are stuck deep in old methods.
People Aug 21, 2019
Why Modern Analytics Makes Revolutionary Waves
Take an in-depth look at self-service data analytics, including a self-quiz to determine how close you are to crushing any challenge in your...
People Aug 21, 2019
Characteristics of the Olympic Data Analyst
Here are some common traits, tasks, and truths of analysts and a few defining characteristics that set the Olympians leading the way to anal...