Owen Mao

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Owen Mao, a former Senior Product Marketing Manager at Alteryx, played a pivotal role in the Office of Finance, specifically focusing on providing value to CFOs and other finance executives. Leveraging his extensive market analytical skills and proficiency in formulating product strategies, he engaged with clients across diverse industries. Owen was instrumental in aiding organizations to evaluate and rank data-analytics transformation opportunities, enabling them to achieve transformative breakthroughs by democratizing data-driven decision-making processes. Before his tenure at Alteryx, Owen was an integral part of the Gartner Consulting practice. He was headquartered in New York City.

Technology Nov 4, 2022
Analytics Maturity in Finance: A Journey, Not a Destination
Make sure to cover these four areas while preparing for your journey to analytics maturity in the office of finance. 
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Top Priorities for Corporate Tax Departments
The success of tax departments depends on the establishment of a balance between the demands of technology and employees’ needs rather tha...