Chelsea Wise

Marketing Director

Chelsea Wis was formerly a Marketing Director at Alteryx.

Technology Mar 3, 2022
CFOs Step Up As AI Leaders
CFOs who step up to take ownership of AI technology are positioning themselves and their organization for the future.
People Jan 24, 2022
4 Tips on Making It From Accountant to CFO
From accountant to CFO to CFO/COO — Magdalena Kosior-Molloy shares key advice for becoming a leader.
People Jan 11, 2022
4 Tips for a Successful Finance Career
What skills do you need to invest in to succeed in the office of finance? Find out with CFO Rohan Higgins.
People Dec 21, 2021
Career Lessons for Accountants Climbing to CFO
First-time CFO Jacqueline Purcell shares her advice on landing and succeeding in the role.