Alex Gnibus

Technical Product Marketing Manager, Architecture, Alteryx

As a Technology Solutions Marketing Manager, Alex drives messaging and storytelling for Alteryx’s combined solutions with leading technology vendors. With a background in journalism and experience working with high-growth cloud and analytics companies, Alex is passionate about making technical information accessible so more organizations can benefit from it.

Technology Jun 10, 2024
Solve the Last Mile of Analytics with Playbooks for Databricks
Get more value out of your existing technology investments and expand ROI across lines of business with AI-generated use cases.
Technology May 30, 2024
How to Build a Future-Proof Analytics Architecture
An analytics architecture refers to the infrastructure and systems that enable organizations to effectively collect, manage, process, and an...
Strategy Feb 23, 2024
Is Data Mesh Already Dead? Not in the Age of AI Democratization
Why data mesh is more useful than ever for designing a data architecture that enables generative AI use cases.
People Feb 21, 2024
Democratization or Governance? You’re Asking the Wrong Question
Why governance makes democratization a valuable business driver.
Technology Dec 19, 2023
Data Connectors: Your Key to Seamless Data Integration
Data connectors link diverse data sources, enabling seamless data transfer and transformation, which is crucial in today's AI and IoT-driven...
Strategy Nov 29, 2023
A Drivable Data Stack: How Self-Service Analytics Extracts Higher ROI with AWS 
A car can have the most powerful engine on the track, but it doesn’t matter if it is hard to drive.  The same thing goes for your data s...
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