Advancing Data-Driven Solutions in the National Interest

What's New   |   Tommy Ross   |   May 12, 2023 TIME TO READ: 2 MINS

The data revolution is coming to the government. With a few key first steps, the government can harness the efficiency and accuracy that analytics automation has brought so many of Alteryx’s customers and drive powerful insights that help the government stay ahead of its increasingly complex challenges.

Our CEO, Mark Anderson, delivered this message during a recent visit to Washington, DC. Mark presented keynote remarks at BSA’s TRANSFORM Summit in conversation with an inspiring government leader, Michele Flournoy. Michele’s distinguished career in public service led her to become the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President Obama, and she continues to drive innovation and digital transformation across the government.

As Mark and Michele discussed, our government is a massive, complex organization with incredible volumes of data at its fingertips. Its data is a key strategic asset, but it often struggles to exploit its data advantage.

Mark’s message to the government was simple: the government can achieve the same success many private sector organizations have seen when they advance their analytics maturity by pursuing what he calls “Analytics for All.”

It begins with leadership. Leaders must understand the importance of making data-driven decisions at scale and equip Chief Data Officers and Chief Information Officers with the authority and resources to execute an effective data strategy. Fortunately, the government has many such leaders, both in the White House and at key agencies, that get it. We must ensure that they are empowered.

The government must also build a workforce with basic data literacy and analytic skills to use the data to see around corners and gain insights. If we can upskill the existing government workforce across agencies, we will see incredible results: better governance, more timely decision-making, more targeted interventions, and better outcomes for all our citizens.

Finally, the government must democratize access to self-service technologies and prioritize data access, not siloed or relegated only to a small group. This requires guardrails and a solid governance structure, but it can be done.

As the data revolution overtakes our government, Alteryx looks forward to working with policymakers to achieve this vision.
