Supply Chain Growth

The Spreadsheet User’s Guide to Modern Analytics

Modern Analytics for Spreadsheet Users

If you’re working in spreadsheets to do analysis, 90% of your workday is taken up by menial tasks you’d rather not be doing — formatting data sources, cleaning and parsing, and applying formulas.

By the time you get to the good stuff — analyzing — you’re worn out and running late to deliver your insights.

In this e-book, you’ll discover how easy it is to take a modern analytics approach. Use the spreadsheet skills you already have — but take advantage of repeatability, transparency, and analytics automation.

Download this guide to learn:

  • The challenges of spreadsheets in the modern business
  • The benefits of accelerating insights with automated analytics
  • How to deliver a lot more value in a lot less time
  • High-impact use cases to help you get started

Revolutionize the way you spend your day. Download your guide now.

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