Investing in Analytics Strategy for Actual ROI

In the next 12-18 months, nearly three in four organizations will spend more on analytics software than on most other software investments. Three in four!

But let’s be frank. Some of those companies will see much larger returns on their investment than others. What’s their secret?

To significantly boost your financial, customer, and employee metrics, you need to use your analytics investment wisely—and widely. That’s why IDC’s Dan Vesset joined us as a special guest speaker to reveal:

  • What high-ROI enterprises are doing right with analytics, and how to follow their lead
  • How to pinpoint where you’re falling behind and catch up fast
  • How to fight the talent shortage through upskilling, for strong outcomes during bumpy times

Meet our Speakers

Dan Vesset

Group Vice President, Analytics and Information Management, IDC

Jason Klein

Product Marketing Director, Alteryx


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  • Analytics Leader
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