Real-world data on generative AI

Market Research: Attitudes and Adoption of Generative AI in Europe and the Middle East

Is the hype around generative AI real? With insights gathered from 690 enterprise IT and data leaders and 1,1000 members of the general public, our latest research report cuts through the noise and delivers actionable insights about where businesses are in their adoption and maturity around generative AI and how this compares to the public’s perception and understanding.

Key Findings:

  • Value Beyond the Hype: 96% of businesses find genAI valuable, with 42% reporting significant value.
  • Successful Pilots: 74% of genAI pilot projects have been successful, leading to increased investment.
  • Evolving Perceptions: While concerns about risk and misuse exist, they are less impactful than expected.
  • Public vs. Business: Business leaders are more optimistic and knowledgeable about genAI than the general public.

Download your copy of Market Research: Attitudes and Adoption of Generative AI in Europe and the Middle East to unlock generative AI’s full potential for your business.

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