Wir stellen vor: Cloud Execution for Desktop von Alteryx

What's New   |   Sarah Welch   |   Jul 20, 2023 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Alteryx Designer desktop users, get ready to run your workflows in Designer, Server, or now in Alteryx Analytics Cloud. We are announcing the launch of Alteryx Cloud Execution for Desktop, a tool that enables desktop users to integrate their workflows with the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform. 

With Cloud Execution for Desktop, Alteryx Designer users can create a connection to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform, save and open workflows between Designer and the cloud platform, and schedule and execute those workflows in the cloud. For our customers who have on-premises footprints and cloud ambitions, this create with desktop, manage and execute with cloud experience offers innovative and transformative opportunities. 

Cloud Execution for Desktop is a secure and easy way to schedule and automate workflow runs and free up desktop resources. Designer desktop users have added flexibility and choice for storing, automating, and executing workflows beyond the desktop. The result is the ability to securely scale Designer desktop-built workflows with cloud and advance your organization’s cloud-first strategy. What’s more, by moving the execution of desktop-built workflows to the cloud, you can protect your investments in existing processes and workflows as you progress along your cloud journey.   

By leveraging Cloud Execution for Desktop, existing workflows that were previously sitting untouched can now be augmented with Alteryx’s cloud-native applications. Similarly, cloud-first use cases can now benefit from some degree of on-premises development without the need for complex workarounds. Now users can quickly and easily complement a workflow built in Designer Desktop with an Auto Insights Mission and manage that entire process using cloud.   

How Does it Work? 

To use the new cloud-connected capability, customers must purchase Cloud Execution for Desktop and be on the latest version of Designer (2023.1), enable Data Connection Manager (DCM) for the workflows to be executed with cloud, and have a cloud workspace with Private Data Handling established. Once completed, saving to the cloud library and automating your workflows on a schedule is just a few easy clicks away!  

Now, with Cloud Execution for Desktop, our customers have increased options and flexibility to best match their cloud strategy. Leverage our cloud-native capabilities like Auto Insights, Designer Cloud or Machine Learning, and/or extend your existing investments to the cloud by leveraging this new cloudconnected capability to execute Designer Desktop workflows in the cloud!   

Next Steps 

Ready to get started with Cloud Execution for Desktop? Check out these helpful resources: 

This is just the beginning. Stay tuned as we deliver many planned improvements that will make it even easier to manage, execute, and extend your analytics across on-premises and the cloud.   

Share your feedback on our Community Discussion Forums so we can continue improving Cloud Execution for Desktop. 
