
Insights From Analytics + Data Science Thinkers and Doers

  •   Technology

    Believe the Hype: Real-World Data on Generative AI Adoption and Perception

  •   What's New

    How Generative AI and Governance Help Scale Enterprise Analytics

  •   Strategy

    Automating BI: Breaking Down Bottlenecks with Artificial Intelligence

  •   People

    Why You Need a Centralized Data Science Team

26 resources
Technology Jun 10, 2024
Solve the Last Mile of Analytics with Playbooks for Databricks
Get more value out of your existing technology investments and expand ROI across lines of business with AI-generated use cases.
Strategy May 8, 2024
Automating BI: Breaking Down Bottlenecks with Artificial Intelligence
The last mile of the process – the reporting and insights step – still relies too heavily on manual effort.
People Mar 13, 2024
McLaren’s Tech Leader Shares Winning Strategies
McLaren’s use of Alteryx is a great example of how a modern data stack can solve both the technical needs of IT and the needs of the busin...
Technology Nov 22, 2023
What’s Your CIO Archetype? Design a Data Stack that Reflects Your Leadership Style
Every CIO is dealing with unique tradeoffs, which is why it can be helpful to identify which archetype fits you.
People May 15, 2023
Data Analytics: Opening the Door to a Wealth of Career Opportunities
It is not hard to see why data analytics skills are so in demand.
Technology Feb 9, 2023
How to Use Reporting for Designer Cloud
Reporting for Designer Cloud incorporates all the authoring strengths of our existing reporting capabilities with easy access through the cl...
What's New Aug 24, 2022
Deploy Analytics In A FIPS Capable Environment
Server-FIPS provides expanded access to analytics in environments that require a FIPS-capable experience.
Technology Apr 1, 2022
How Can Business and Finance Teams Use AI?
See how business and finance teams can do more (and work less) with AI in their corner.
Strategy Mar 20, 2022
Business Intelligence and Analytics
Business intelligence and analytics are critical to data-driven companies wanting to optimize processes, understand trends and increase reve...
Strategy Jan 24, 2022
Prevent Customer Loss with Churn Management
Churn management helps prevent customer loss in your organization. Learn how Designer Cloud's data wrangling platform enables churn manageme...