“Turning Mere Mortals Into Data Science Superheroes”

People   |   Melissa Erbes   |   Mar 16, 2021 TIME TO READ: 5 MINS

“Equipped with Alteryx’s tools, laypeople at customers such as Home Depot and Southwest Airlines have come up with clever new approaches to business challenges that have added millions to their bottom line.”

— Fast Company, The 10 Most Innovative Companies in Data Science

Recently, Fast Company named Alteryx one of the “10 Most Innovative Companies in Data Science” for “turning mere mortals into data science superheroes.” A lofty statement, to say the least, but it’s a promise we deliver on every day.

Our contribution to the broader field of analytics is to make it mainstream and easier for everyone to think more like a data scientist while still providing the advanced firepower that appeals to highly trained professionals. This holistic approach really serves as a catalyst for digital transformation.

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”

“To harness the power of the information your organization possesses, you could hire an army of data scientists. Or you could call on Alteryx to help employees across many disciplines make use of data — no scientific expertise required.”

— Fast Company, The 10 Most Innovative Companies in Data Science

By converging data science, analytics and process automation into a single platform, Alteryx is helping to mature the industry – similar to moments in tech history when CRM, HR, e-commerce and payments platforms emerged.

With analytic process automation (APA), sophisticated problem solving has a platform that brings data-driven insights to everyone. This has the potential to reshape the way companies generate insights and how they act on them.

By taking manual processes and automating them through a platform that allows for different kinds of data to be ingested with less human energy allows for more time spent solving bigger challenges that can have an even larger societal impact.

“No Matter How Bad Things Get, Something Good is Out There, Just Over the Horizon”

As the world united to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, we looked for ways to apply our leadership in data science to help those whose jobs were affected by the impact of the coronavirus. The ADAPT program, with free analytics training and certification, is our direct response to the economic crisis created by the pandemic.

The latest in a long line of corporate social responsibility initiatives that form our Alteryx For Good initiative, ADAPT is ideal for those who are brand new to data as well as those who want to sharpen their knowledge of advanced, predictive analytics.

The curriculum equips all participants with the skills needed to enter their desired field and advance their careers.

To date, ADAPT has attracted nearly 13,000 participants from 143 countries worldwide. Our hope is that this number continues to grow exponentially. I’ve heard so many powerful stories from participants like Izam Ryan or Jon Feldkamp whose lives have been truly altered by the program. As Superman once said, “… a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

I can’t even begin to imagine the possibilities and impact this will have on the world as we continue to refine and improve our curriculum.

Capes Optional

Along with Batarangs or a Lasso of Truth, innovation is an important survival tool when it comes to how we work and conduct our daily lives.

To me, innovation means survival because technology has become such a huge part of what every company does. It’s interesting … if you talk to Capital One, they’d say they’re a tech company that moves money. If you talk to Elon Musk, he might say Tesla’s a tech company that moves people around in cars, but really, innovation for everyone has got to become the equivalent of surviving the massive tectonic plates that are radically shifting to help companies take control of their data.

This really is the crux of it — organizations are rushing to transform their own entities. The path to transformation is the totality of data swirling around the enterprise. It’s never been more important than it is now to be proactive and programmatic and invest in the right resources to drive this, whether it’s technology or people.

“It’s always been core to our culture and values to enable the transformation of people’s lives through innovation.”
As we move forward, it’s our responsibility as a pioneer in the industry to take these innovations and make them ubiquitous and accessible to all. This is our superpower. From focusing on partner relationships like we have with Snowflake, to being able to use our innovation outside of the on-premise environment, to reskilling/upskilling individuals to meet the demands of today’s workforce, we’ll continue to innovate to ensure we’re enabling everyone to become everyday superheroes who transform data into incredible breakthroughs.

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