Let’s Get Clinical With Data + Analytics

Technology   |   Andy Dé   |   May 30, 2020 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

Data + healthcare =the cure to a less than stellar hospital experience!

Well, maybe that formula needs to be tweaked a bit, but it illustrates one way that data and analytics can help healthcare organizations make changes.

See how three healthcare organizations are leveraging analytics to improve the patient experience, optimize supply chain cost savings and productivity, and cater to three tiers of internal customers.

47 hospitals, 5 million patients, 1 billion data points: Regex, fuzzy matching, and sentiment analysis help healthcare system use data to improve the patient experience

This non-profit healthcare system, like many other healthcare organizations, is required to give patients the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey that impacts the Medicare reimbursement they receive. With 27 standardized questions on the survey and more than five million patients served annually, the healthcare system received plenty of data to capture a thorough understanding of their patients’ healthcare experiences. The bigger obstacle was analyzing the feedback, which included write-in comments, to gain actual insights into how to improve the customer experience.

This led the system to build a tool using sentiment analysis and text analytics that separated negative comments from positive ones and helped the business intelligence team identify the most common problems customers experienced. With this new process, the hospital system was able to understand true patient sentiment, provide actionable suggestions for customer experience improvements, and maintain patient satisfaction metrics to qualify for full Medicare reimbursement.

Fast Facts

Company: Healthcare System

Goal: Identify the most common problem areas mentioned by patients in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey.

Solution: Leverage sentiment mapping to analyze write-in comments and find opportunities to improve the patient experience.

Results: Business intelligence can now deliver a consistent stream of actionable feedback and suggestions for customer experience improvements across the organization.

Right data + right time = right decisions

In typical Fortune 100 companies like HCA Healthcare, analytics consumers fall into three categories: senior management, operational leaders, and data analytics teams. At HCA, each internal customer has different needs — senior managers are a fan of one-page reporting summaries with key highlights, operational leaders enjoy filterable reports/dashboards to mine for insights, and analytics teams want to preserve as much raw data as possible.

To meet the different needs of different managers HCA created standard workflows that delivered reports personalized for each of their three internal customers. With automated reporting, employees at every level get the data they need, exactly when they need it. Senior executives can process information quickly for making right-time decisions, operational leaders can dig deeper into the data, and analytics teams can access everything.

Fast Facts

Company: HCA Healthcare

Goal: Automate reporting for three tiers of internal customers.

Solution: Create standard workflows that customize reporting to meet the needs of senior management, operational leaders, and data analytics teams.
Results: Automated reporting gives HCA employees at every level the data they need, at exactly the right time, with outputs tailored to each user’s preference.

Analytics boosts supply chain costs savings and productivity gains

SCL Health is an integrated healthcare delivery network that manages 500+ employed providers, 100+ physician clinics, eight hospitals, and $1 billion in non-labor spending. After being tasked with delivering $15–$20 million in annual savings, SCL’s supply chain team knew it needed to get creative (and analytical) so they partnered with IT. They worked together to curate custom data sets and create numerous workflows to analyze data from throughout the organization — pulling data from SCL’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, third-party data sources, and several internal data sources.

Now, SCL’s business leaders and executives can appraise progress on a daily basis (vs. monthly), which was unprecedented. This new data infrastructure has improved data quality and purchasing operations, and helped SCL save both time and money. So far they have saved $100K in invoice discrepancies, improved price load accuracy by 40%, reduced item file records by 36%, and eliminated a $60K annual software subscription they no longer needed.

Fast Facts

Company: SCL Health

Goal: Deliver $15–$20 million in annual savings from the supply chain.

Solution: Supply chain team and IT team partnered to curate custom data sets and create workflows to analyze data from throughout the organization.

Results: SCL Health is saving both time and money. The new workflows deliver insightful information that let SCL reduce variation and has enabled supply chain cost savings and productivity gains.

From improved patient experiences to healthcare supply chain savings, explore how modern analytics can be the cure-all for your healthcare organization needs.



Explore how healthcare providers are leveraging self-service analytics to extract the most value from their growing volumes of data.


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