Connect your Data from Anywhere for Data Engineering

Strategy   |   Alteryx   |   Apr 6, 2021 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

From the millions of records created each day by enterprises in business applications, to the billions of hourly visits to social media sites, to the trillions of data points collected by IoT sensors and monitoring applications, data is being collected everywhere and at an astonishing pace. It is imperative that we enable connectivity to this data so that it can be used to its fullest potential by doing data engineering to propel businesses, make processes efficient, and improve people’s lives.

All data engineering pipelines start and end with connectivity. In addition to reading and writing data, there could also be a need for mid-stream connectivity, for example, using a currency conversion reference table when working with global sales data. Connectivity to your data must be broad and ubiquitous.

Introducing Universal Data Connectivity for Designer Cloud

At Alteryx, we realize the importance of your need to connect directly to your data in a secure, self-serve, and reliable way, and we have been working on a framework to bring you enhanced connectivity to hundreds of data sources, and the ability to seamlessly pull in your data for your data engineering needs. Having the ability to connected to a diversity of sources enables organizations of any size to use Designer Cloud on additional use cases:

Collaboration and Support

Teams can more easily work together while providing amazing service to clients through new integrations like SmartSheet, Airtable, Confluence, JIRA, and more.

Marketing, Sales, e-Commerce

We’ve added new connectors to leading market analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more, as well as e-commerce leaders such as Amazon Marketplace, Shopify, and more.

Resource transparency and visibility

Create 360 degree views of leads, customers, and other resources by connecting to large scale applications such as Salesforce, SAP ERP, SAP HANA, Microsoft Dynamics, and more.

Financial services

Whether you are a small/medium business or a large organization, you can now connect to leading financial services such as Xero, Quickbooks, Sage, and more for your accounting, business analysis, and other requirements.

In summary, no matter what you need, we’ve got you covered!

More Connectivity Enhancements Coming Soon

Broader Connectivity

This is only the beginning of our data integration journey and we plan to add even more connectors in the future. Is there a connection that you need but we don’t have yet? Reach out to our customer success team or send us a note through the in-app messenger and let us know! Soon you will be able to request for a connector within the application itself! 

We will also be introducing REST connectivity, which will let you build your own connector to the long tail of data sources for which we might not provide out of the box connectivity.

Deeper Connectivity

Not only are we making it easier to connect your data from anywhere, but we are also making enhancements in our system to more efficiently import semi-structured data like JSON and XML, along with better publishing support for file formats like Avro and Parquet.

Data is the most plentiful natural resource of the 21st century. It runs businesses, touches lives, and has the power to change the world. Before long, you’ll be uncovering new opportunities to build stronger relationships with customers, employees, business partners and yourself. What’s your plan for your data?

Sign up for a free trial of Designer Cloud today.
