Bertrand Cariou

Account Executive, Alteryx

Bertrand Cariou, a former employee of Alteryx, served as the Senior Director of Solutions and Partner Marketing at Trifacta. With over 25 years of experience in the computing and data management sector, Bertrand's career encompassed diverse roles spanning engineering, consulting, product management, and product marketing. After dedicating 15 years to the largest independent software vendor in data management, where he eventually spearheaded their big data lake strategy, Bertrand transitioned to Trifacta. His responsibilities involved overseeing solutions and partner marketing, focusing on translating and advocating for the utilization of Trifacta within innovative Big Data vertical and horizontal initiatives.

Technology Oct 25, 2019
Google Data Fusion and Other Transformation Services for BigQuery Dataprep
GCP offers products like Cloud Dataflow and Google Data Fusion that transform and move data for analytics. Find out which technology is righ...
Technology Oct 1, 2019
Announcing Google Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta
With our continued collaboration with Google. Now, all GCP users can structure, cleanse and blend their data in a preparation service.   ...
Technology Sep 11, 2019
Cloud Dataprep Enhancements: Macros, Transform by Example and Cluster Clean
In this release there are three great new features: Macros, Transform by Example, and Cluster Clean enhancements.
Technology May 29, 2019
Feature Highlight: Functions for Machine Learning
Machine Learning models require data to be formatted in a certain way in order to maximize the value of the algorithms.
Strategy Apr 4, 2019
Bringing Enhanced Data Quality Capabilities and Easy Job Customization to Google Cloud Dataprep
Our latest release, there are two areas of particular focus: job customization and data quality capabilities.
Technology Apr 2, 2019
Designer Cloud for Data Quality: Introducing Smart Cleaning
Discover Cluster Clean and Pattern Clean. Cluster Clean resolves similar values to a standard value. Pattern Clean addresses issues with mis...
What's New Mar 25, 2019
Designer Cloud for Data Quality: Introducing Active Profiling
Active Profiling blends visual guidance, user interaction, and machine intelligence into an intuitive user interface: profile, discover, and...
Technology Feb 1, 2019
Joins in Designer Cloud:
Making Data Blending Faster & Easier
The new join interface is part of Designer Cloud's efforts to make data blending faster and easier. Learn more.
Technology Nov 29, 2018
Designer Cloud for Data Engineers: Automator
Introducing parameters and variables to help data engineers deal with data organization. Learn more.
Technology Nov 26, 2018
Designer Cloud for Data Engineers: Introducing RapidTarget
RapidTarget allows data engineers to set a predefined schema target in their DataOps practice. Learn more about RapidTarget.
Technology Jun 26, 2018
Looking Beyond VLOOKUP to Data Preparation Platforms
Learn how Alteryx Designer Cloud helps reduce data cleaning and preparation time by enabling better up-front assessment of data sources.
Strategy Oct 20, 2017
Data Onboarding:
Why It’s Broken, and Why It Matters
Designer Cloud can expedite your data onboarding process with an intuitive and collaborative solution—with no loss in data accuracy.