Alteryx and Snowflake: Accelerating Business Outcomes for Industrial Manufacturers

Strategy   |   Gib Bassett   |   Jun 27, 2023 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Industrial manufacturers have a wealth of data at their disposal to inform and improve processes across their operations, but not all manufacturers have the necessary skills to unlock the full potential of their data. This limitation hinders the improvement of analytics maturity, which has been proven effective in driving significant financial gains across all industries.

The seamless integration of Snowflake and Alteryx enables industries to overcome this barrier and makes it easier than ever to harness data for actionable insights. At the 2023 Snowflake Summit, Alteryx announced it has joined the Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud, marking a collaboration milestone between the two platforms.

This integration allows Snowflake and Alteryx to offer a manufacturing industry solution that combines the strengths of the Snowflake Data Cloud with Alteryx’s powerful no-code analytics capabilities. As a result, industrial manufacturers can unlock the full potential of their data faster, transforming their approach to analytics and driving transformative outcomes across their businesses.

Streamlining Analytics for Industrial Manufacturers

The integration between Alteryx and Snowflake redefines the landscape of industrial manufacturing analytics, providing a seamless and efficient workflow that maximizes the value of Snowflake’s capabilities.

Alteryx pushed down data processing to Snowflake, enabling efficient, scalable data transformations and analytics directly within the Data Cloud. This eliminates the need for data movement and reduces runtime, empowering users to gain insights faster and making it easier for shared customers with diverse skill sets to derive value from data in Snowflake without extensive coding or technical expertise.

Fleet Maintenance Demonstration

A Truck Fleet Maintenance demonstration showcased at Snowflake Summit exemplifies how Alteryx empowers maintenance managers and analysts to proactively address breakdowns and optimize fleet operations. By leveraging Alteryx’s intuitive user experiences and Snowflake’s robust processing capabilities, collaboration between maintenance managers and analysts becomes seamless, accelerating the time to derive critical insights from relevant fleet data. They quickly uncover patterns, predict maintenance needs, and take proactive measures to reduce downtime, ensuring efficient and optimized operations.

Embrace the Future of Industrial Manufacturing Analytics

With the seamless integration of Alteryx and Snowflake, industrial manufacturers can embark on a new era of data-driven decision-making. The integration of Alteryx’s intuitive analytics platform with the Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud empowers organizations to unleash the full potential of their data assets and truly democratize analytics. By accelerating insights, streamlining workflows, and enabling data-driven decision-making at scale, Alteryx and Snowflake redefine the possibilities of industrial manufacturing analytics, paving the way for future growth and success.

To learn more about how Alteryx and Snowflake are accelerating business outcomes for industrial manufacturers:
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