
Insights From Analytics + Data Science Thinkers and Doers

  •   Technology

    Believe the Hype: Real-World Data on Generative AI Adoption and Perception

  •   What's New

    How Generative AI and Governance Help Scale Enterprise Analytics

  •   Strategy

    Automating BI: Breaking Down Bottlenecks with Artificial Intelligence

  •   People

    Why You Need a Centralized Data Science Team

14 resources
People Mar 8, 2024
Building the Pipeline of Women in Data Science
Celebrate the journeys of extraordinary women in data analytics who are creating ripples across their organizations and industries.
Technology Nov 22, 2023
What’s Your CIO Archetype? Design a Data Stack that Reflects Your Leadership Style
Every CIO is dealing with unique tradeoffs, which is why it can be helpful to identify which archetype fits you.
People Jun 12, 2023
Inspiring Leaders to Become More Data Driven
Unlock the true business value of investments and move beyond operational efficiency to strategic impact and tangible business outcomes.
Strategy Feb 6, 2023
How to launch an ESG program: A four-step plan
ESG’s scale can make it difficult to know where to begin. Alteryx’s ESG and Sustainability Manager, Jennifer Yuen, identifies four simpl...
People Oct 26, 2022
Inspiring Stories from Inspiring Women
How data has changed the lives, careers, and even the trajectory of countries.
People Sep 29, 2022
Top Priorities for Corporate Tax Departments
The success of tax departments depends on the establishment of a balance between the demands of technology and employees’ needs rather tha...
Strategy Jan 4, 2022
How to Hire Amazing Data Workers during “The Great Resignation”
The right kind of data workers can revolutionize an organization. Hiring the right employees can set the trajectory to success.
People Dec 21, 2021
Career Lessons for Accountants Climbing to CFO
First-time CFO Jacqueline Purcell shares her advice on landing and succeeding in the role.
People Oct 13, 2021
Why is the Upskilling of Data and Analytics so Important for Government?
By providing analytics solutions that upskill information workers into data-literate knowledge workers, these knowledge workers – individu...
Strategy Aug 12, 2021
How to Dial Up Your Department’s Performance
Get the insights you need as a leader by getting your team in the advanced analytics game. Here’s how.