Impala Hadoop

Technology   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Apr 16, 2021 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

The Impala Hadoop partnership has transformed big data analytics over the last five years. Backed by leading enterprise, Cloudera, and augmented by user-generated, open-source code, Impala is a query engine that connects with HDFS data sets using MPP. With an Impala Apache Hadoop setup, data scientists can finally transform data in minutes rather than hours.

The Impala Hadoop Partnership Sets Organizations on the Path to Quick Analytics

Regardless of the platform, Impala pulls directly from Apache Hadoop-stored data. This means no more costly data movement and unhelpful data silos. Impala Hadoop work also means analytics are done in real time and completely interactive. It also means faster querying and no more batch-jobs that take hours to render anything resembling actionable analytics.

How does Impala do this?

Rather than relying on antiquated query-structure, the Impala Hadoop setup uses distributed queries to pull, transform, and analyze big data. This means firms can scale to enterprise-level analytics, while relying on far more cost-effective commodity hardware.

Another way to think about it is to imagine Impala Hadoop as a higher-performing Apache Hive: it’s the same familiar interface, syntax, metadata organization, and driver, but with far quicker time to analytics. Impala reads from and writes to Hive tables directly, as well. No more extract, transform, load extra steps before data sets can be shared among different components or analyzed across an organization. Impala Hadoop effectively becomes a single system for both data processing and analytics. It all results in faster time to analytics – minutes rather than hours – which means more effective business decisions.

Designer Cloud Makes the Impala Hadoop Collaboration Even More Powerful

While Impala on top of Hadoop data makes a powerful combination, Designer Cloud can be leveraged to exercise Impala’s full potential. Some firms use HDFS or other Hadoop platforms merely for cheap storage and Impala purely for traditional ETL functions. With Designer Cloud, Impala can explore Hadoop-stored data in real time, allowing information analytics to really drive business innovation.

Designer Cloud was created so that all those within a firm who engage with and work with data – not just highly trained data scientists – are able to access, prepare, and explore data. The idea was to allow for non-coders to gain insights from data as easily as coders. And for business analysts to engage with data in the same way data scientists do. When an Impala Hadoop partnership inserts Trifacta into the process, we get optimized visualization, analytics, and machine learning applications that can be leveraged by anyone within a firm. It is a strategically designed partnership – much like that of the original Impala Hadoop partnership – created to speed up Hadoop transformations and analytic output and make those insights accessible to everyone.

Try out Designer Cloud to see first-hand how Designer Cloud can help with your metadata.
