Five Industry Influencers to Follow

People   |   Emily Valla   |   May 14, 2020 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

From high-level data science and analytics perspectives to the minutia of everyday data challenges, these five industry luminaries share ideas, insights, and inspiration to transform business outcomes into breakthroughs.

Dr. Hannah Fry

Dr. Hannah Fry is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics of Cities at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at UCL. She works alongside a unique mix of physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, architects, and geographers to study the patterns in human behavior — particularly in an urban setting. Her research applies toa wide range of social problems and questions, from shopping and transport to urban crime, riots, and  terrorism.


Kara Swisher

Kara is host of the podcast “Sway” and writes a weekly column for The New York Times Opinion section. She is co-host of the Pivot podcast for New York Media, and the executive producer of the Code Conference.


Register for Virtual Inspire to hear mathematician Dr. Hannah Fry and renowned journalist Kara Swisher discuss the question: In our quest to claim mathematical certainty through advancements in data science, how do we balance statistical significance and doubt to fill in the full picture?

DJ Patil

DJ Patil was appointed as the first U.S. Chief Data Scientist and established the mission of the office: To responsibly unleash the power of data for the benefit of the American public and maximize the nation’s return on its investment in data.


Hear from @dpatil, one of the most influential data scientists in the world, at #AlteryxInspire. DJ was tasked with making the U.S. Federal
Government a data driven enterprise. Register for Inspire to hear his Q+A with Alteryx CDAO, Alan Jacobson.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is a journalist, political commentator, and author. He is the host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes a weekly paid column for The Washington Post. He has been a columnist for Newsweek, editor of Newsweek International, and an editor-at-large of Time.


Journalist, political commentator, and author Fareed Zakaria will be speaking at #AlteryxInspire about how the pandemic has set the scene for automation to become ubiquitous across a multitude of industries and business applications. Sign up here to learn more.


Jake Porway is a machine learning and technology enthusiast who loves nothing more than seeing good values in data. He is the founder and executive director of DataKind, an organization that brings together leading data scientists with high impact social organizations to better collect, analyze, and visualize data in the service of humanity.


DataKind Co-Founder and Executive Director Jake Porway will be joining us at #AlteryxInspire. Register today to hear him discuss data driven community development.

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