Automation, Agility, and Now FIPS Compatibility to Empower Government with Insights

The capabilities of Alteryx that have been deployed throughout many levels of government are more readily available to agencies that require a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compatible platform to tackle their toughest data challenges.

Technology   |   Andy MacIsaac   |   May 24, 2022 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

I have worked in Public Sector Industry Marketing for over 25 years. One thing I have learned is that the industry that is collectively referred to as Public Sector is really an industry of industries. With so many different agencies with unique missions and multiple levels of government, not to mention numerous jurisdictions, there is no lack of diversity in the use cases around how people use data to empower mission outcomes, improve people’s lives, and accelerate the delivery of services.


I see this diversity of missions almost everywhere, and I understand how many different agencies of government are utilizing the agility of the Alteryx Analytics platform to turn data into breakthroughs. These breakthroughs run the full spectrum from protecting public health, improving the creation of insights that are fundamental to understanding the economy’s strength, and making sure critical systems like unemployment are scaled to meet demand.


Selected agencies also use Alteryx for real-time status on airports. OIGs use it for wading through extreme data volumes and finding anomalies. Auditing departments use it to improve investigations.


Even with all these different use cases, we’ve only uncovered the tip of the iceberg on the number of use cases where governments can deploy Alteryx and use insights to propel operations forward.


The capabilities of Alteryx that have been deployed throughout many levels of government are more readily available to agencies that require a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) compatible platform to tackle their toughest data challenges.


Alteryx Designer-FIPS is the same Alteryx Designer platform that has been engineered to meet the higher-level information security needs required by US Federal Agencies.


FIPS standards are issued by the National Institute of Processing Standards (NIST) and specify the security requirements that must be satisfied by cryptographic modules to cover a wide range of potential applications and environments. FIPS outlines a set of guidelines for evaluating the security functionality of products, including encryption and the management of information processing. To meet the changing demands for security and privacy in highly regulated industries, Alteryx has incorporated modules to provide the cryptographic services needed to support industry-standard secure communications protocols and protect data at rest.


The Alteryx Designer-FIPS product is capable of meeting the latest FIPS-140 Standards and will address the needs of agencies that deal with, store, share, and disseminate sensitive but unclassified information (SBU) and data. Federal agencies and other government agencies responsible for federally supported programs like unemployment insurance, student loans, Medicare, and Medicaid are required to comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), which requires compliance with FIPS. The availability of Alteryx Designer-FIPS enables government agencies to deploy a compliant analytics capability to solve their most challenging data challenges in a no-code, low-code approach that democratizes the approach to creating insights that accelerate mission outcomes.


Hundreds of leading Global 2000 organizations have already deployed Alteryx Designer in numerous industries, including retail, manufacturing, and energy. Additionally, government agencies across the globe benefit from the analytics automation capabilities provided by the Alteryx platform. With a FIPS-compatible version of Alteryx Designer, agencies with higher security requirements can implement analytics automation to empower their organizations with insight.


You can find out more about Alteryx Designer-FIPS, including information on how to request an evaluation copy, here.
