A Human-Centered Approach to Transformative Business Outcomes

Technology   |   David Sweenor   |   Nov 9, 2021 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

Editor’s Note: This blog features an excerpt from the newly released Automating Analytics by Alteryx experts, David Sweenor, Senior Director, Product and Portfolio Marketing, and Melissa Burroughs, Product Marketing Director, Portfolio Marketing. The report focuses on a human-centered approach to data, analysis, and insights.


Your business changes. It is inevitable. Consumer trends shift, supply chains evolve, and technology advances. You rely on sales reports, market intelligence, and performance indicators to track the health of our business, but how do you keep track of it all? Do you have a method for seeing all the data flowing through your organization? Is it easy to use? Is it fast? Does it get to the right people and systems at the right time?

How you get information and insights from all that data and how you do it quickly enough to make decisions that keep your business moving forward differentiates you from the competition. It is a constant struggle to keep up with the huge amounts of data flowing through and around your organization. Successful industries and organizations understand the need for prompt, reliable insights, and they realize that these insights are founded on fast, reliable analytics.

Creating insights is only part of the equation. How do you get those insights to the people who need them? Business information isn’t just for executives and leadership. What if your employees could identify bottlenecks in your manufacturing process by understanding insights hidden within your data? Could your marketing team use data to identify personas and trends in customer habits to better align their campaigns? Could your HR team rely on personnel data to identify hot spots for turnover or target new talent? Data is everywhere in your organization, and the insights within it can benefit the company at every level.

So, the final question you have to ask yourself is this: “How can I get my employees the access, skills, knowledge, and tools they need to make data-driven decisions that will improve my organization’s business outcomes?”

In this report, you will see how analytics automation makes the data flow process easier to understand and work with, enabling data and analytics democratization.

We’ll examine how data flow automation reduces labor-intensive tasks, saving time and effort. We’ll also uncover how analytics automation can provide continuous and easily maintained insights to employees and leadership.

Through all of these transformational capabilities, you’ll see how analytics automation helps to create an agile organization that can better serve its customers and clients while improving financial success.


Get the Report 

Automating Analytics e-Book

