Alteryx Governance & CoE Setup

A tiger team of 2 SMEs was brought in to develop frameworks for Governance, Best Practices Compliance, Economy of scale leading to a “Walled Garden” server deployment model, that met enterprise IT governance standards. With Alteryx this team realized efficiency gains in operations, enhanced ability to scale, and reduced time to insight.

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Automating Analytics: Uplevel Your Data Connectivity
To analyze data, you have to connect to it first. But to make the most of that connection, you’ll need two things that are all too rare.
  • Alteryx Inspire
  • Professional
  • APAC
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Building a Chained App for Custom SQL Queries
I built a chained app that generates a custom SQL query and identifies pharmacy patients with new medication regimens. It supports our Clinical Pharmacy team in outreaching to patients and improving clinical outcomes.
  • Alteryx Inspire
  • Professional
  • Designer
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Three Considerations for Analytics
What are the three things you must consider to implement analytics at the enterprise level? In this session, you will see how to marry technology and process to accelerate your time to insight across your organization.
  • Alteryx Inspire
  • Analytics Leader
  • Professional
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